Les personnes contaminées sont quant à elles parquées par les autorités et recouvertes d'une étrange peinture blanche. Directed by Pavel Kostomarov, it consists of eight episodes and follows the daily life of two families who are trying somehow to survive and escape the virus. Then begins a real race against the clock that literally takes the guts! Pour preuve, on s'identifie très facilement au triste sort des protagonistes et on se surprend à se demander si la situation pourrait dégénérer à ce point dans la vraie vie. The Latest TV News. At times, the New Zealand landscape plays the leading role in this series. Top of the Lake is a mystery drama television series created and written by Jane Campion and Gerard Lee, and directed by Campion and Garth Davis. Pour tenter d'endiguer l'épidémie, les habitants de Moscou se retrouvent entièrement confinés, à la merci des pilleurs sans scrupule. Actors: David Wenham, Elisabeth Moss, Robyn Malcolm, Thomas M. Wright, Peter Mullan, Holly Hunter, Skye Wansey, Genevieve Lemon. You have entered an incorrect email address! In an attempt to contain the epidemic, the inhabitants of Moscow find themselves entirely confined, at the mercy of unscrupulous looters. See all episodes. If you continue to use this site, we will assume that you are satisfied with it. Ainsi qu'à Kirill Käro (Sergey) qui incarne avec justesse un père de famille tiraillé qui se retrouve à devoir protéger et faire cohabiter son ex-femme et son fils avec sa nouvelle compagne (qui fut sa maîtresse) et son fils Asperger. The supporting cast is strong; Holly Hunter plays the leader of a cult-like group of women. Viewers in the U.S. can also look forward to seeing Top of the Lake season 2 in 2017 on Sundance, with Hulu – not Netflix – holding the streaming rights for day after viewing. Campion has her detractors, but if you are comfortable with the leisurely pace and extended plot lines found in many foreign TV series on Netflix, you are likely to find this beautifully filmed drama to be rewarding viewing. Vast, panoramic scenes demand our attention and often determine the course of this slow moving, intriguing drama that grows more complex with each episode. Mention spéciale à Maryana Spivak (Irina) et Viktoriya Isakova (Anna) qui livrent une prestation constante et riche en profondeur. This new Russian disaster series, available since Wednesday, October 7 on Netflix strikes by its strange resemblance to our upset daily life. Réalisée par Pavel Kostomarov, elle est composée de huit épisodes et suit le quotidien de deux familles qui tentent tant bien que mal de survivre et d'échapper au virus. Top of the Lake Critics Consensus Absorbing and deeply atmospheric, Top of the Lake takes edgy, disturbing content and delivers powerful performances with lasting impressions. It marks Campion's first work for television since An Angel at My Table in 1990. As well as Kirill Käro (Sergey) who aptly embodies a torn father who finds himself having to protect and make his ex-wife and son cohabit with his new partner (who was his mistress) and his son Asperger. The Expanse renewed for a sixth and final season by Amazon Prime Video, Netflix: On trial for violation of rights on Black Mirror, the verdict of justice has just fallen. The infected people are parked by the authorities and covered with a strange white paint. We won't flood your inbox! Voyage vers la Lune sur Netflix : Une aventure palpitante et féérique sous l'influence de Disney, notre critique, Rebecca sur Netflix : Lily James joue avec brio une épouse tourmentée dans un thriller qui manque parfois de suspens, notre critique, Les 7 de Chicago sur Netflix : Un film de procès nécessaire au casting cinq étoiles, notre critique, Vous devez être connecté pour poster un commentaire, La Coupe du monde des Séries — Édition 2020, Impossible de ne pas penser à la pandémie de coronavirus qui frappe la planète depuis le début de l'année 2019.