As of October 5, all playgrounds and outdoor fitness equipment can be reopened for public use with mandatory social distancing and limited use up to 30 minutes. Daily updates to this list are gathered from a survey of county government websites, but due to rapidly changing conditions, this page might not capture every change. Toda la programación recreativa y cultural en todas las instalaciones será cancelada. The Venice Beach Boardwalk/Ocean Front Walk is closed – with limited access to businesses for curbside pick-up only. Temporary LA City Park Closures Updated 5.15.20, LA City Park Closures Updated 5.15.20 Flyer (English & Spanish). The Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation (LA County Parks) will begin reopening certain non-contact amenities and park areas, based on the staged reopening plan for the County of Los Angeles. Gavin Newsom made a trip to Los Angeles County Friday to visit a new COVID-19 testing laboratory in Valencia. Las nuevas reservas para instalaciones o permisos en ubicaciones RAP se suspenderán temporalmente. All recreational groups sports are prohibited unless permitted in accordance with Department of County Health Guidelines. Click here to learn more. For operating hours please visit ALL PARKS REMAIN OPEN UNDER NORMAL OPERATING HOURS FOR PASSIVE RECREATION. CITYWIDE PARK CLOSURES - Last Updated: April 9, 2020, CONTACT: Mayor’s Communications Office, (213) 978-0741. By Sandhya Kambhampati, Maloy Moore and Priya Krishnakumar. Pay online to reserve courts when possible. “We face one of the most dangerous moments in this pandemic, and that the only effective path forward requires immediate action and unfortunately, additional sacrifice.”, If COVID-19 Cases Hit More Than 4,000 Per Day, LA County Officials Will Shut Down Outdoor Dining, Sign up for the However, takeout and delivery can continue past 10 p.m. LA Supervisor Kathryn Barger was quick to characterize the time limitation as a tool to prevent further spread of the coronavirus. Maps, charts, and data provided by the CDC. All Multipurpose Senior Centers and dining sites are closed to the public. Regarding the latest thresholds, health director Dr. Barbara Ferrer said she hopes the county will not reach those points: “I don’t think it’s inevitable that we get there. We are working closely with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) and City leaders to ensure our parks and the community receive credible information and guidance during this challenging time. ... That's when we're fully operational at 150,000 tests.''. The Cabrillo Marine Aquarium, Sherman Oaks Castle, and the EXPO Center are closed. Click, The re-opening of businesses will occur based on the State of California's, Wear a face covering whenever you leave home, Stay six feet away from people who don’t live with you, And don’t forget - you can get a free COVID-19 test if you have symptoms. Outdoor park space and amenities will remain open during regular park hours. As the situation surrounding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) evolves, the Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks (RAP) is providing an update on changes to programming, events and facility usage. All Department-run recreational and cultural programming, indoor and outdoor sports leagues, aquatics classes, instructional courses and group sessions are cancelled and will only be organized in conformance with County Health Guidelines and pursuant to operational capacity. COVID-19 Update (10 July 2020 — 12:00 PM) Administrators announced Friday that some COVID-19-related restrictions on funeral Masses, visitation hours, and graveside services are being lifted at Catholic cemeteries and mortuaries in Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara counties. He said increased testing is critical to stopping the advance of the disease. for more information about COVID-19 testing in LA County. Estamos trabajando junto al Departamento de Salud Pública (Salud Pública) del Condado de Los Ángeles y los líderes de la Ciudad para garantizar que nuestros parques y la comunidad reciban información y orientación creíbles durante este momento difícil. Gavin Newsom's reopening plan regulates how the California economy will restart in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. For a full list of topics: A-Z Index. Indoor dining will continue to be prohibited while outdoor dining must finish onsite-service by 10 p.m. All public beaches are open for active recreation only (running, walking, swimming & surfing – no group activities, no crowds/gatherings, chairs, canopies, coolers, grills, or sunbathing allowed on wet and dry sand). Out of an abundance of caution and in accordance with guidance from State and local health officials to prevent the spread of COVID-19, RAP is implementing following changes effective as of March 13, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. through April 4, 2020: We know many of you rely on our programs and sites as crucial community resources. EXCEPCIÓN: Se permitirá el acceso a las estaciones del censo, pero no habrá más de 50 personas a la vez en la instalación. Los centros de comidas para personas mayores se comunicarán con los participantes para brindarles información sobre la distribución de comidas en el centro a cual atienden a partir del lunes 16 de Marzo de 2020. Players must wear face coverings at all times except for during play/match. Los campos de golf permanecerán abiertos pero sujetos a cambios. This has helped slow the spread of COVID-19 - and the County is now taking its first steps towards reopening businesses and getting people back to work! “We’re entering into the holiday season where more people are likely to mix, we’re entering into the winter months where more people are likely to come back indoors, we’re entering into the flu season which will put compounding and competing challenges into our healthcare delivery system,” Newsom stated. The state is using three statistics to judge counties, each with its own tiered benchmarks. The percentage of tests in a recent seven-day period that come back positive. And that's exactly what we're doing here in a very audacious and bold way in California. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, the following remain closed to the public as follows (with the exception of most trails, golf courses, tennis, playgrounds, outdoor fitness equipment, pickleball, skate parks & most fishing and limited beach access): Recreational Amenities, Centers, Sports, Senior & Aquatic Centers, Museums, Rental Halls & Gardens, Tennis Submit. Although the lab was estimated at $25 million, Newsom said the state actually invested $100 million in upfront costs for the facility, including the building and scientific equipment inside. Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. All recreation centers will be closed. All recreation and cultural programming at all facilities will be canceled. Exceptions will be made for children under 2 years of age and people with disabilities. All Recreation and Parks public bathrooms located throughout the City will remain open during regular operating hours. The lab has a turnaround goal of 24 hours, with the longest wait time being 48 hours. Effective Friday, November 20, Los Angeles County will tighten pandemic safeguards and restrictions as COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations continue to increase significantly. At the moment, cases are at 2,672 in LA County over the past seven days, shelter-in-place order from county officials in March. Times staffers Thomas Suh Lauder, Vanessa MartÃnez, Lorena Iñiguez Elebee, Seth Liss, Sean Greene and Matt Ballinger, Nicole Santa Cruz, Ryan Menezes, Faith Pinho, Lila Seidman and Casey Miller also contributed to this page. The Venice Beach & Cabrillo Piers are closed. These safeguards and restrictions protect the public health and safety of our residents, and their ability to be served in our hospitals. He says people will be able to get their results in a timely manner.