Why You Should Read Nietzsche For Inspiration. And what other influences, both immediate and distant should one be acquainted with for reading Nietzsche? Nietzsche is not simply saying that resentment is a sickness, but rather that sickness as such is a form or resentment. Why is life so cruel? I read a bit of German, enough to read Nietzsche in the original text with the help of a translation. I'm pretty sure Hitler was first to twist the words to mean something nihilist and nationalistic. Or is none of the translations as good as the original and I'm better off reading it in German? Nietzsche's massive vanity at the book's beginning did not bode well, but by the end I was hooked. Oops. Not to mention the fact that his personal confidence was surely something a competitive athlete can appreciate. You should know a bit about Nietzsche’s personal history, and particularly that of The Will to Power. Artists have invoked his work to call for radical new aesthetic forms to emerge, while others have appealed to him to decry the decadence of modern art and feeling. Overall, his philosophy is not a manual for how to become a Nietzschian, but rather how to overcome one’s self limitations and unleash new creative potential and insight. Instead, it exists to enable the few truly great men and women to rise and establish new and almost god-like kinds of values. Do People Who Do Evil Things In The World (And Get Away With It) Face Any Kind Of Karma Or Judgment After They Die? The upshot was Christian morality, which was resentful to its core. (See @wildpotato‘s point.) Now, you can ask yourself: “how would a super-human tennis, soccer, football, baseball, basketball player train today?”, Source: https://www.nietzsche-quotes.com/. He often looked at his sister Elizabeth’s gradual descent into German nationalism and later Nazism with an uncharacteristic mixture of pity and scorn. Is the idea of the death of god just a metaphor or what? in Philosophy at Fort Hays State University. Nietzsche is one of the most difficult thinkers in the Western canon to think through. How difficult is it to read his books? My sense is that Nietzsche is best understood as a radical individualist; one who insists passionately that our duty in life is to become what we are. He would almost certainly have had nothing but contempt for the postmodern proponents of difference and toleration who invoke aspects of his thought. Nietzsche is the philosopher for thugs he believes there are no morals except the ones you make up for yourself so given that he believes Christen morals are for the weak you get some sort of an idea what sort of morals he approves of you could say he believes Might is right or do whatever you want as long as you are tough enough If you are going to read some philosophy may I suggest you get on the web and go to " Oxbridge.U.K" and there is a little course you can do for free It is open uni.u k or go to you libery and get an easy book to start with they will help you. He works as contributor to Pulse Magazine and as a freelance content creator for several marketing agencies and brands. I am a German student currently studying American Studies and I'd love to read Beyond Good and Evil. The reality is that they wanted to replace the aristocratic and warlike ancient Greco-Roman world with one that conformed to the mediocrity of the slaves, and so needed to find a way to re-describe weakness and servility as a moral virtue. Perhaps most interestingly, Nietzsche has even gained some popular traction, with his books selling millions of copies despite their strange topics and myriad styles. You know, the “God is dead” guy with that incredibly powerful, walrus mustache. If not, then maybe it has to do with the particular book and the language isn't the main problem. PODCAST 124: Shelby Steele, Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, on ‘What Killed Michael Brown?’, PODCAST 123: Washington-Based Journalist Brad Polumbo on LGBT Politics in the Pre- and Post-Trump Eras, PODCAST 122: Former Harvard Medical School Dean Jeffrey Flier, on This Week’s Good News About the Hunt for a COVID-19 Vaccine, PODCAST 121: Jamil Jivani on the Inconvenient Truth About Donald Trump’s Non-White Supporters, Copyright © 2019 Quillette Pty Ltd | All Rights Reserved. And, of course, Nietzsche would regard the deindividuation of totalitarianism, its attempt to completely assimilate the single person into the nation, as nihilistic.