It is the work of tightly slotting together pieces of timber or lumber to hold together and produce more complicated items. All rights reserved. Learn Basic Japanese Woodworking. This involves chisel preparation and sharpening the blade to a super-fine sharp edge. How to make a Japanese toolbox using newly acquired techniques, Workshop Date: 10-12th December 2020 , 17th - 19th December 2020 (full), Number of participants: Maximum class size of 4. Introduction to the Japanese wood plane (kanna), How to prepare and tune the kanna for use, Principles of Sharpening woodworking blades, Introduction to the Japanese chisel (nomi), “I took the 3-day beginner course and really like it! * Note-If you cancel for your reasons, 24640 yen will be charged as a refund fee regardless of the period. You will also receive your very own Japanese chisel (nomi) and sharpening whetstone. The object is NOT to make a thing (although we make a tool box for practice), but to learn how to make things. You will learn how to layout box structures and learn how to avoid the common pitfalls that commonly beguile beginners. If you have any interest in carpentry, timber framing, woodworking, or even Japanese history, I highly recommend this book" --The Year of Mud blog. Book Description. When you’re ready to start, check out some of the links below. As this is a beginner course, there are no prerequisite skills or knowledge required. By continuing we assume you accept the use of cookies. Course Fees : $920 per participant. At the time of writing, he has created GIF illustrations of 81 traditional wood joints. The project is ongoing, as the creator continues to seek new information about this fascinating tradition from books, magazines and other archival sources. We’ve assembled a free PDF of Japanese joinery techniques and Japanese woodworking tools for Western woodworkers. Though there is a core practice shared by all Japanese carpenters, defined by a vocabulary of tools and joints and a method … 1.Introduction to Japanese Woodworking Tools: 2.Using Japanese Woodworking Tools: 3.Making Japanese Joinery: 4.Getting familiar with a Kanna: Each month ,a maximum number of students: 4 pax. Hand sharpening, Initial tuning, Maintenance, Tools Plane Sharpening 6: How to Sharpen a Plane Blade – 2. Your registration is only confirmed with payment. In this course, you will learn the necessary knowledge to properly set up, tune and maintain the core tools of a Japanese craftsman (shokunin). 61 days or more before the start of the course: 60 days to 41 days before the start of the course: 40 days to 21 days before the start of the course: *The course can only be changed to a month where there is still an availability. Suikoushya International Craft School in Marseille, France. All materials are provided. The first day of the course begins with an overview of Mokko Wood Studio’s toolkit, including the core working tools that are used by Japanese carpenters. You will then dimension the wood stock with your freshly tuned tools before final assembly. Secret tips and techniques of real Japanese woodworking artisan. How to set up a Japanese plane (kanna) for use. Course fees are non-refundable. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. It’s packed with information about the useful features, construction details and most effective methods of Japanese woodworking. © DIY Japanese Joinery, 2018. It will be taught directly by an active Japanese carpenter. We will then be contacting you with payment instructions within 1 day of receiving your registration. It involves building wooden furniture without the use of nails, screws, glue or electric tools. In this course, you will learn all about tuning, sharpening and using Japanese carpentry tools and acquire the skills to get you started into the wonderful world of woodworking. This school will be conducted in English where you will learn intensively about traditional Japanese woodworking. Artisan Heirloom Furniture, Crafted by Hand, no prerequisite skills or knowledge required. You will learn how to prepare the plane and tune it to take paper-thin shavings. You will receive a new professional grade Japanese 15mm nomi and will learn how to get it ready for use. If you’re interested in learning about Japanese hand tools and woodworking skills, you’ll definitely want to download this free PDF today. It sets the foundation well for beginners who want to learn the techniques and pursue woodmaking more seriously.