I did that for those that may want to use them as tools to tell the general story of the Exodus from Egypt by the children of Israel under the leadership of Moses. Moses arm had become so tired that he could not hold them up. Just turn Moses around to re-tell the Bible facts. It is to Moses that the authorship of Torah is attributed. These tablets are the two pieces of special stones inscribed with the Ten Commandments. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. Thus, his hands were steady until the Israelis secured victory. Contact Us ⢠Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Boys Playing with Fire Truck. This is a simple cut and paste paper craft that is easy for young children to make to reinforce the Bible story about Moses and the Red Sea. Moses parting the Red Sea Bible Story: How the Sea Became Dry Land and the Sky Rained Bread Moses parting the Red Sea Bible Story. Want to know more about us? This is a wonderful depiction of the time when God first made contact with Moses concerning his call to go set His people free in Egypt. Coloring It wasn't too long after this that Pharaoh's armies attempted to cross the river via the way made by God, and when they were in the river the power of God holding back the waters was let go and it came crashing down upon the Egyptian army. Feel free to share with others, too! He later grew up in the Egyptian royal family. Terms of Service ⢠Comes with a sample of the completed craft, a background cut out, and cut out Moses pieces for the kids to glue on, and a coloring page. Share your thoughts on how this activity will empower today’s kids. Moses was going about his business when he saw a burning bush, which when he approached it to see what was going on, he was addressed by God, who told him to take off his shoes because he was standing on holy ground. I’m looking for materials for 5 30-minutes lessons on Moses and the founding of the nation of Israel and the founding of America…. The Moses and the Red Sea craft kit is a great addition to your Moses teaching unit. This coloring sheet shows Moses striking the rock, as commanded by God. I always prefer the black and white version. Here are some other websites that offer free materials related to the story of Moses. That of course opens the door to give a brief explanation of the story of the Exodus and the part Moses played in it. It also offers an opportunity to explain what it is that Moses is holding in his hand. You can also discuss the Ten Commandments with your child. Kids Sunday School Place is a membership site for Sunday School lessons, but they have posted the following as samples. Basketball Paper Crown. At the time of his death, Moses asked his disciples to appoint Joshua as the new leader of the tribe. This scene is taken from the Battle of Rephidm when the Amalek fought Israel. Obviously a lot of the story would have to be filled in, but the major portions of it are included, although the plagues would have to be explained a little right before the introduction of the putting on of the blood on the doorways. In 2013, we founded Bible Pathway Adventures to help teachers and parents around the world teach children the foundation of their faith. And remember to connect with us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. You can freely license our resources under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. Enjoy our free Bible crossword, Red Sea Crossing. Since then we've been busy creating Bible stories, activities, and Bible teachings to help you do this. This page is the main index for our series of Bible lessons based on the life of Moses. Joshua was one of the twelve spies that Moses sent to explore the land of Canaan. This coloring sheet is taken from the scene where Moses speaks to God from a burning bush. The Israelites walked on the dry ground and crossed the river. Every week, thousands of churches use our Bible lessons, craft ideas, printable resources, and coloring pages to teach kids the Christian faith. File format – PDF; Watch the video below for instructions: Click Here for All Bible Printables. Are these free? Copyright © 2007-2020 Ministry-to-Children. This is a simple cut and paste paper craft that is easy for young children to make to reinforce the Bible story about Moses and the Red Sea. Enjoy our free Bible crossword, Red Sea Crossing. while the verbal means are as … This template can also be used … This craft is good for Jewish and Christian children as both study the old testament. Then followed the Egyptian army, but Moses again moved his staff and the whole of the Egyptian army drowned in the sea.