Their plight is very human. 9. (B) Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one object or idea replaces another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them. Woolf offers a peaceful vision of death that focuses on the happy reunion of the lovers and the promise that they need never be separated again. Duplication of the questions is restricted to non-profit making educational purposes only. 3. And he adds, "kisses without number.". It may also be important to remember that the deceased couple pose no threat to the narrator. D. the couple's house, - "From room to room they went ..." C: "... one might say, and so read on a page of two." Once again, this suggests that love and happiness are intimately tied to the home. The title A Haunted House is an irony in itself most people associate haunted house with horror and evil creatures, but in reality this story is the opposite of that, “This gentle tale both references and refuses many of the characteristics of conventional ghost stories, and so ‘we see no lady spread her ghostly cloak’.43 A ghostly couple preside over the house, ensuring its safety and that of those who live in it. When two ghosts are searching through their old house, looking for their "Treasure", the treasure or meaning is revealed to us. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. (E) Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sounds of two or more closely connected words. This is because the couple goes from searching endlessly to realizing … Virginia Woolf writes with the purpose to remind people about the feelings which exist and how people experience those. It is situated at the moment when neither Ralph nor Katharine were sure of what they felt for each other. The short story "The Haunted House" first appeared in Woolf's short-story collection Monday or Tuesday (1921). D. (iii) & (iv). joy and love shared between two people is the treasure, the treasure of life. It is also noticeable that the narrator accepts the deceased couple. McManus, Dermot. But we all know that Western societies have normally divided many human activities labelling some of them as masculine and others as feminine. - They story is quite personal and retold from a first person point of view. A. the farm Light is associated with the presence of the ghostly couple that roams the speaker’s home, but it has symbolic meanings beyond that—it represents the insight … A short story The Haunted House makes people interfere into the inner world of the main characters, but not to search for the reasons why people experience such feelings. Her most notable works include Mrs Dolloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927), Orlando (1928) and A Room of One's Own (1929). Later, the story depicts the ghosts holding a lamp, so the mention that “the light had faded” suggests that the ghosts, lamp in hand, are moving down the hall to a different side of the house. - "But it wasn't that you woke us. " C. mysterious Upon his eventual return to the house—implied to be his death—he was finally reunited with his wife after many “long years.”. Love upon their lips.". There are many examples of imagery in this story with the use of metaphors and similes such as “The doors go shutting in the distance, gently knocking like the pulse of a heart.” this imagery allows the readers to picture in their mind the image of the ghost roaming the house and shutting doors in their wake. They remain very much in love despite the passing of time. If anything the narrator welcomes the deceased couple which suggests that she understands what it is they are looking for. - "Quietly," they said, "or we shall wake them." A. horrifying The house is the chamber and sanctuary of the couple's love and where their hearts are. Copyright © 2000-2020. In this moment, the light represents the brief but profound connection between the dead couple and the narrator, in which the couple realize that their "treasure" is embodied in the narrator and the narrator’s spouse. Woolf’s use of the line ‘Safe, Safe, Safe, the pulse of the house beat softly’ may also have some significance as it is possible that Woolf is comparing the house, though it is occupied by the deceased couple, to a beating heart. "Sound asleep. It is also noticeable that the deceased man and woman are committed to finding their buried treasure which may suggest that they are also committed to each other. C. reading a book (e.g. B. the drawing room In this extract, it is clearly seen that Ralph is lost in his thoughts mostly because of the different feelings he has for Katharine. Our, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in, "Whatever hour you woke" there are doors closing in the house. This passage also begins to suggest that the ghosts are not malevolent: the scene is quiet and peaceful, the ghosts keep to themselves, and the narrator suggests that “one” has no reason to interfere with the ghost’s search and can read peacefully while the ghosts rifle through the house. In A Haunted House by Virginia Woolf we have the theme of struggle, loss, commitment, connection, love and acceptance. She was also a pioneer in the use of stream of consciousness, a narrative technique that captures characters' flow of thoughts. C. (i),(ii) & (iii) Struggling with distance learning? Virginia Woolf's Short Story, A Haunted House 412 Words | 2 Pages. Which very much suggests that there is a connection between the living and the dead or in the case of the story between the narrator and the deceased couple. Since the Modernist writers downplay the content for the sake of the investigation, The physical and social setting in "Mrs. Dalloway" sets the mood for the novel's principal theme: the theme of social oppression. Outside, the wind continues to roar, and rain drip down the windows. This paper discusses the purpose of the city in mirroring the theme of social oppression, focusing on issues, different. D. sleeping, A: "Stooping, their light lifts the lids upon my eyes." Virginia Woolf . Also, Woolf brings in the theme of love immediately with the "ghostly couple" holding hands, indicating to the reader that whether or not the ghosts are benevolent, they care in some way for each other.