Sadly, as horse ownership becomes less common, the sport of buzkashi seems to slowly being disappearing. Buzkashi is the traditional and national sport and a "passion" in Afghanistan where it is often played on Fridays and special events, matches draw thousands of fans. Mais les Afghans ne sont pas découragés et sont fiers de leur héritage. There are no women who are locals, it was only men and boys. Its rules, however, vary from country to country and even among regions within one country. For this reason, it has been said that “this is what polo would look like if played in prison.”. Très récemment, dans le but de faire de Buzkashi un sport olympique, la Fédération olympique afghane a créé des règles officielles pour une version beaucoup plus douce du sport. Competitors and their steeds milled around, conversing with friends, preparing for the match. In some places, a Buzkashi match can last for days…”. 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I’m so glad you had an opportunity to witness it. Check out the 800 sports in the Encyclopedia of Every Sport. While “tudabaray” which translates to “coming out of the crowd is the older version of the sport, what is played today is the government sponsored “qarajay”. While participants may regard buzkashī as lighthearted fun, both forms of the game are played in an implicitly political context, in which patrons—in northern Afghanistan, the traditional elite (khans)—seek to demonstrate, and thus enhance, their capacity to control events in the country’s ever-shifting power structure. The goat can weigh 50 or 70 pounds. Sure, I’m not bad on a horse, but I would be highly reluctant to play this game! I was lucky to see the sport at the World Nomad Games in Kyrgyzstan. Hi Bisa…very interesting! Today, the game exists in two main forms: Tudabarai and Qarajai. Did you enjoy reading about Afghanistan? Le coureur gagnant restera libre des autres joueurs jusqu'à l'appel du jeu. And, to put it in perspective, many balls used today in sports are made from leather. A part ça, tout y passe! Fiers de leurs races anciennes, les Afghans utilisent principalement deux types de chevaux à Buzkashi: le petit tartare, rapide et robuste, et la grande race provenant des plaines du Turkestan, Habash. It was a Friday, and many Muslims attend the noon day prayer at the mosque. L'origine et la marque de commerce de "Couch Potato", «Sledge Hammer» de Charles Dickens pour l'enfant du pauvre - La fascinante histoire derrière «Un chant de Noël», Ce jour dans l'histoire: 20 janvier - Polanski et Tate, La bande de caoutchouc: Tenir ensemble depuis 1820, Ce jour dans l'histoire: 19 janvier - Poe. The horses are more valuable in a game of Buzkashi than the player himself. Subscribe to FarWestChina on YouTube. While most games throughout the plains of Central Asia aren’t governed by a referee, there are still a few rules that players expect others to abide by: Other than these rules, it seems that most anything goes. Beginning in the early 1950s, the Kabul-based central government hosted national tournaments, first on the birthday of King Mohammad Zahir Shah (reigned 1933–73) and then on dates politically advantageous to subsequent regimes. It is the national sport of Afghanistan. Legend has it that the game of Buzkashi was first invented centuries ago when Afghan tribes would gallop up on horseback to steal a rival tribe’s goats from their flock. Finalement, un coureur, connu sous le nom de Chapandaz, aura «plongé au sol et saisi d'une main la carcasse de chèvre…» en s'éloignant du cercle initial dans n'importe quelle direction se dégageant. Maybe, you want to read a bit more? Dans cette version, le jeu commence par un cercle, mais le coureur gagnant doit non seulement contrôler la carcasse, mais aussi la porter autour d'un mât, puis la déposer à un endroit désigné, appelé "Cercle de la justice". In some countries like Afghanistan, the games are very formal and often involve the sponsorship of teams or individual players by a wealthy benefactor. […] Watching Buzkashi in Afghanistan. It is the national sport of Afghanistan. The name Buzkashi literally means “goat pulling.”. Competitors struggle against each other while endeavoring to grasp the goat. Buzkashi coupe plus ou moins l'homme du milieu et utilise la carcasse d'un animal qui vient d'être tué, au lieu d'une version cousue. Each player who scored a point was awarded this monetary prize, and whichever team scored the most points was awarded a larger prize such as a TV, refrigerator, or washing machine. Comme vous vous en doutez, les défenseurs des droits des animaux craignent d'ajouter à la liste des athlètes un sport qui implique de se battre pour un cadavre et de fouetter des chevaux. Happy New Year to you as well ;). Buzkashi, translated as “goat pulling”, is a traditional Central Asian game that is played on horseback or yak back. Cependant, le sport serait impossible sans l'aide d'un gros cheval et même le plus fier des deux, Chapandaz, attribue son crédit à son animal. Les meilleurs sont également capables de pousser et même de se faufiler jusqu'au milieu de la mêlée, puis de rester absolument immobiles malgré le chaos, tandis que le coureur se penche pour attraper la chèvre ou le mollet. I would love to visit Afghanistan and try a round. document.write("Page last modified: " + document.lastModified +""). It’s not only fun to see the game being played; it’s also great to be a part of the group of spectators that gather for the games. In March, the country’s first buzkashi league attracted thousands of spectators in Kabul. Buzkashī, (Persian: “goat dragging”) also spelled bozkashī, a rugged equestrian game, played predominantly by Turkic peoples in northern Afghanistan, in which riders compete to seize and retain control of a goat or calf carcass. I stood next to some of the horses and was dwarfed by their height and strength. Players and horses often walk away from games bloodied or worse (think broken bones, dislocated shoulders, etc.). Mazari Sharif is well known for the Shrine of Hazrat Ali bathed in azure tile but Mazari Sharif is also known as a great place to watch buzkashi. My friends and I stopped in the small town of Tashkorgan near the border of Pakistan and China and stumbled upon a … Litterally, it means “catch the goat “ and is played in team or individually. I strolled onto the dirt grounds. In our group of 6, there was one woman, and one of our guides was female. Under the Taliban buzkashi was banned, it was considered harem, forbidden. et vraisemblablement, le jeu continue jusqu'à ce qu'une équipe soit réputée gagnante. At a stretch, one might consider it the more savage cousin of polo.