He understands all along the difference between what he can control and what he cannot; he controls what he can and ignores what he cannot. Four of them die, but the gray cub survives until One-Eye brings food again. Both recover, however. You have heard too much Fourth of July oratory. It was during his first sea voyage, in 1893, that London began writing. After running all day and night, the pack finds and kills a large moose—plenty of food for the forty wolves. Native Americans and animals alike depend on salmon and game for food, and in years when both are in short supply, only the strong survive. In this essay, Norvell discusses character development in the novel's human characters. The United States is their clubhouse. After the pack is driven away from Henry and finally finds food, Kiche mates with an old wolf named One-Eye. Discuss the issue of animal rights and humane treatment as it relates to the novel. In Part One, Kiche is with the wolf pack that threatens Henry and Bill. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. On this night, White Fang becomes tame. London comes down on the side of nurture as being the more powerful force. We can't help doing what we do.". And some of them are going, denied the right of trial by jury, denied the right to plead guilty or not guilty. That one said he did not. I see things in the light of history and the laws of nature.". When White Fang is still a puppy, he helps pull Mit-sah's child-size sled when the family goes on a trip. But already we cut the trees. She lovingly helps care for White Fang after he saves the family from Jim Hall. In addition, London's works featuring animals as main characters have received even less attention than others. That's why I am a pessimist. His law is "to oppress the weak and obey the strong." Gray Beaver is not at his tent, but Kloo-Kooch welcomes White Fang happily. The legal status of animals is changing as some lawmakers, attorneys, and activists push for increased protection of animals from human abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The unknown had caught him at last. Environment served to model the clay, to give it a particular form. ", "London answers every question one puts to him, quickly, directly and without hedging. They constantly hear wolves howling, and they know that the nearly starved wolves are tracking them in hopes of killing them for food. That night, one of their dogs disappears, lured away and eaten by the wolves. He lets fear destroy his ability to think clearly, and he is impatient. In the following interview, Treadwell and London cover topics ranging from politics, literature, philosophy and social commentary. Geismar, Maxwell, "Jack London: The Short Cut," in his Rebels and Ancestors: The American Novel, 1890–1915, Houghton Mifflin, 1953, pp. When I was on the train coming back the conductor came right away to punch. ", I wanted to ask him if there is such a thing as a socialist dictator, but I knew he was laughing at me.". The household awakes, and Judge Scott calls not a veterinarian but his own doctor for White Fang. Beauty's behavior is evil and inexcusable, but London forces readers to see him as a human being nonetheless by describing the physical ugliness and deformity The wolves kill both the dog and Bill. Got several hundred acres of them. astrologer named William Chaney was London's father. "I became a Socialist when I was 17 years old. White Fang understands that they are leaving and that his mother will not return to him now. As Henry and Bill are counterparts in the first part of the novel, Beauty Smith and Weedon Scott are counterparts in the last part. What I have to say in it is just what is said by every well-known criminologist in the world. that earned him not only the nickname Beauty but also a life as an outcast who has often been the victim of the kind of abuse he heaps on White Fang. Pizer, Donald, ed., The Cambridge Companion to American Realism and Naturalism: From Howells to London, Cambridge University Press, 1995.