Simple Past vs Past Continuous Exercise / 2 / 3 Simple Past Exercises PDF: Exercise 1 / Exercise 2. 2. I was watching TV at 8 o’clock yesterday evening. P a g e | 12 ~ The Past Continuous Tense ~ Past Present Future Structure Subject + verb “to be” [past simple form] (was/were) + infinitive + ing In English, the past continuous tense is generally used when one action began earlier and was still in progress when another action started. 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 A. Yesterday, I went to the movies with my wife. 3. A§ÅÒ,ÖÇð¥#¸/ú¾(×æî¼ÙÂýùùâ2 üAxqp;OBE¯¿-iÝóB¾ Departamento de Inglés past simple & past continuous 1. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. iPhone/iPad app: English grammar app (iOS) Past simple + Past continuous exercises. Past Tense Simple is used to describe actions that happened in the Past. 0000007532 00000 n
4) John was listening (to listen) to a CD an hour ago. %%EOF
Printable Simple Past vs Past Continuous Exercise with answers-- Online verb tenses worksheets for English learners. 1. 7. Printable exercises pdf, handouts to print. Use contractions where possible. 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 Click here to review how to make the past simple. She _____ dinner when the telephone _____. $%&'()*45789:CDEFGHIJRSTUVWXYZbcdefghijruvwxyz������������������������������������������������������������������������� � !1QRaq�23r��� Past Continuous Tense Worksheet Exercises for Class 3 CBSE with Answers PDF. *You need to learn irregular past tense verbs. 0000002564 00000 n
Past simple. When we reached home, we discovered that water was running down the walls. 88 30
When I (walk) down Queen Street, I (discover) a wonderful store. In this exercise you will practise the past simple and past continuous tenses.. AAADZAAAAALK8yLuAAAAAHJzbmYAAANUFUaRIAAAAA1lbWFugAAAlr+VNNoAAAAAAiIKAAAAABACIgAKAQEAAAAAAi0ABgIBAAAAAAH3ABcDAQAAAAACIgARBAEAAAAAASQAOgUBAAAAAAICAAwGAQAAAAACMwAPCQEAAAAAAd0AGgsBAAAAAAIOABQBAwABBAkCQgAMAgMAAQQJAZIALgMDAAEECQGoABgEAwABBAkAsAB0BQMAAQQJAagAGAYDAAEECQHAAB4JAwABBAkBXgA0CwMAAQQJAFYAZQByAHMAaQBvAG4AIAAyAC4AMAAzADAAOwBQAFMAIAAyAC4AMAAwADAAOwBoAG8AdABjAG8AbgB2ACAAMQAuADAALgA1ADEAOwBtAGEAawBlAG8AdABmAC4AbABpAGIAMgAuADAALgAxADgANgA3ADFWZXJzaW9uIDIuMDMwO1BTIDIuMDAwO2hvdGNvbnYgMS4wLjUxO21ha2VvdGYubGliMi4wLjE4NjcxAGgAdAB0AHAAOgAvAC8AdwB3AHcALgBhAGQAbwBiAGUALgBjAG8AbQAvAHQAeQBwAGUALwAyAC4AMAAzADAAOwBBAEQAQgBFADsATQBpAG4AaQBvAG4AUAByAG8ALQBJAHQAUgBvAGIAZQByAHQAIABTAGwAaQBtAGIAYQBjAGh0dHA6Ly93d3cuYWRvYmUuY29tL3R5cGUvMi4wMzA7QURCRTtNaW5pb25Qcm8tSXQATQBpAG4AaQBvAG4AIABQAHIAb01pbmlvbiBQcm8gSXRhbGljUm9iZXJ0IFNsaW1iYWNoAEkAdABhAGwAaQBjAABmeWxnAAAABQAC/NoNsMueAAAAACB4dG0AAAAFAAAdEJPUY34AAAAAeG1mZgAAAAUAAAIW7n9JXwAAAAAgIG1iAAAABQAAAAD/////AAAAAHRuZm4AAAAFAAAAAP////8AAAAAIGNuZQAAAAYAACMGCT4u3QAAAAAAAP//bmVycAAAAAUAAAhT2MzdlgAAAAB5YWxhAAAABQAA/lTiJqwIAAAAAG5yZWsAAAAFAAAAAP////8AAAAAbnJrZgAAAAUAAIYUeomHwwAAAAB5YWx3AAAABQAAAAgLU8jaAAAAACB0bWYAAAADT1RUTw== John was listening ( to go ) _____to answer it past perfect continuous tense Examples, exercises with! 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