In a typical commercial setting, a busy establishment may do light fryer cleaning daily, with a deep-clean twice a week. We're all about supporting you as you create a space in this world where you feel comfortable. They never come off; you just spread them out by scrubbing, covering whatever utensil you're using in the process. The end result was an oven that had grease and soot everywhere, a kitchen that had to be aired out, and I still had to find a way to clean the oil pot. Drain all of the grease from the fryer and safely discard it via an oil caddy and an approved oil discharge container. Does an Air Fryer Deserve a Spot Next to Your Instant Pot? Instead use stainless steel or copper wool. Use paper towels to soak up excess oil and wipe away debris. Sadly, my little friend is a royal pain to clean up. Let the water boil for several minutes, unplug the unit, and allow the water to cool. In most cases, once the water dries, the unit will work just fine. Combine with hot water and moisten a scrubber to apply it to the surfaces. Sign up to discover your next favorite restaurant, recipe, or cookbook in the largest community of knowledgeable food enthusiasts. The only thing is that it can be corrosive to metal if left to sit too long. When the fryer is fully cooled, wipe out with a paper towel. Turn the fryer off and allow the oil to cool down completely. When I use it to clean anything metal I let it soak for a few hours or overnight and then rinse it off really well. Cleaning grease fryer can sometimes be a real annoyance because some oily stains simply won’t be removed no matter how hard you try. It’s advisable to use a scouring sponge or a brush to remove the grease. Have you tried baking soda and vinegar? If you need to clean the outside of the deep fryer, use the guide. How To Clean Grease Caked Onto A Deep Fryer? [1] X Research source If you only use your deep fryer every couple weeks or less frequently, clean it after each use. Follow these directions to thoroughly clean your deep fryer. This is done to, Once the fryer is done draining, the technician will, Throughout normal commercial kitchen operations, the area in front of the fryer gets a thin layer of grease which can cause become slick. If the element wasn't insulated, wouldn't it arc through the oil as well? Free Estimate for Microbial Deep Cleaning - Click Here Now! (Auto thinners not diy paint thinner) works a charm (also great for removing adhesives) DO NOT spill on painted,varnished areas though!!!! Fill with water to the oil level and add a bit of dish soap. Deep frying adds a unique flavor and texture to food that is impossible to replicate with other cooking methods. This is a guide about cleaning grease off a deep fryer. Offbeat Home & Life isn't as active as it used to be -- these days you can find me over at Find Your Afterglow. Flag. hi all I have a double deep fat fryer and the elements that sit in the oil are attached to the back plate where the switches are, are now very badly caked in grease and I have no idea what to use to get it off. The power source is also unplugged from the wall while the, Once it cools down to less than 150 degrees Fahrenheit, the technician, Next, we scoop out food crumbs and particles at the bottom of the fryer and, Our technician will use a fryer cleaning rod to, After that, the heater is turned back on to, After the allotted time, the unit is again turned off. Thank you soo much for this suggestion!! Start to fill the tub and add tsp (tri sodium phosphate. Wearing gloves, use a silicone pan scraper (or a nice spatula) to scrape at the sides inside the fryer. Just make sure that you are outside when you do it because the fumes are heavy! Does anyone have any idea how I can clean this stuff off? Vent hood cleaning, commercial deep kitchen cleans and nightly janitorial services for the food & beverage industry. Read on to learn how to clean a deep fryer properly and see other deep fryer recommendations from Mr. Appliance® experts. For extremely dirty fryers, oven cleaners have been found useful by some. Our technicians will. Cleaning Grease off a Deep Fryer. I have been given an old, but reliable deep fryer that has years of baked on grease all over the pan. If you end up with a clogged drain, we recommend having. (then I put my electric frying pan in the dish washer and it still works too) 2. Just make sure you check for signs of rancid oil, such as a foul odor. Pour off the oil and remove the basket. But have you heard of an air fryer? Choose an oil with a high smoke point, such as peanut, canola, or safflower oil. -Laury. Burgers in the skillet, chicken in a deep fryer-- even a take-out pizza can leave a greasy mess all over your otherwise spotless kitchen.You might not see it when it happens, but a few days later when you're standing in the kitchen enjoying a glass of wine, suddenly you do -- a splatter, a puddle, a streak of stuck-on, hard-to-remove, impossibly inconvenient grease. Fatty foods become water soluble with soap, because soaps have a hydrophobic and a hydrophilic end. Your email address will not be published. To clean out the giant frying pan vat, we would similarly pour in soapy water, let it get bubble, scrub a bit with a scour pad on a stick, then dump and rinse with warm water/vinegar mixture.