It pupates in the spring. The differences in larval development due to feeding on various food sources (e.g., terminals, fruits, apple, peach) and possible adult movement between adjacent apple and peach orchards contribute to significant overlapping between generations late in the season. 2016 Stone Fruit Survey Report. Codling moth larvae tend to tunnel to the core of the apple where it often feeds on apple seeds while OFM make meandering tunnels in apple. Then, monitor traps weekly throughout the season. At that time, damage was limited to stone fruit. Begin by monitoring the first adult emergence in the spring and its seasonal flight with pheromone traps, then sample for shoot and fruit damage during the growing season and apply timely, effective control measures when necessary. Copyright © 2020 Washington State Fruit Commission. Thirty-four moths were caught at seven sites in Walla Walla County. A word of caution for growers and fieldmen who are using the new Trécé OFM Combo Duel lure: This is an enhanced lure that is designed to catch both male and female moths in mating disrupted orchards. Use only a single application for second brood on apple. OFM was first noted as a pest in Washington in 1948 in the Sawyer district just south of Yakima (Carver, 1949). The Oriental fruit moth Grapholita molesta is an one of the most devastating Lepidopterous insect pests of many fruit crops including apples, apricots, nectarines and peaches. Larvae also resemble those of the lesser appleworm (Grapholita prunivora), which also possesses an anal comb but is somewhat smaller than G. molesta. If codling moth is also a problem in the same block, select a material that controls both species. Monitor adults with pheromone traps and use a degree-day developmental model to time insecticide sprays. In peaches, the mature larva exits the fruit from the side, leaving a large gumming hole with much frass. 1 peach crop pest. By entering your email, you consent to receive communications from Penn State Extension. Eggs are laid on the foliage, usually on the upper sides of leaves of terminal growth. Later broods attack and tunnel in the developing fruit, causing conspicuous entrance or exit holes covered with frass (D), while the larva excavates cavities near the pit. Important if trap threshold exceeded (>10 moths/trap/week) and/or fruit injury is found. At this time, neither Madex HP nor Entrust should be relied on to control OFM under high pressure situations. Moths of the overwintering generation first appear when peach is in bloom. Adult is a small moth with dark gray mottled wings that lighten somewhat at the outer edges. Very important if trap threshold exceeded (>10 moths/trap/week) and/or fruit injury is found. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. This year’s WSTFA Annual Meeting and NW Hort Expo is going to a virtual platform. Buckley, K.D. Willett, Ph.D., is manager of the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission. The earliest indication of injury is a dying back of the new growth of twigs in spring. All rights reserved. Spray timing can be aided by using pheromone traps to establish a biofix (i.e., first sustained capture of two or more moths per trap) and then calculating and recording degree days to determine the percent egg hatch for each generation. Unfortunately, models to time applications of insecticides for OFM have not been validated in Washington. Larvae are pinkish white with a black head and reach ½ inch at maturity. Todd Fryhover2020-10-01T07:46:12-07:00September 30th, 2020|0 Comments. From that time on, OFM control has been a fact of life for stone fruit growers in the Yakima Valley and parts of the lower Columbia Basin. On apple, te… Good Fruit Grower, Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission // Jun 28, 2018. This information is for educational purposes only. Or, you can view articles by issue by clicking the Archives by Issue page. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Oriental Fruit Moth Survey and Control Program. If growers are planning on using it, then it should be deployed in the orchard soon after the first moths are captured in pheromone traps. Mating disruption should interfere with capture of male moths in pheromone traps, making it difficult to determine if it is working, thus, it’s imperative to regularly sample shoots and fruit for damage. 2018 Crop Protection Guide for Tree Fruit: Stone Fruit. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. OFM feeding inside shoots can cause severe damage to young trees by destroying tree architecture. A first-generation larva enters at a leaf axil near the tip of a shoot and bores down the central core for several inches, causing the terminal to wilt, or "flag." Attacks all deciduous fruits, particularly peach and apple. Adult is a small moth with dark gray mottled wings that lighten somewhat at the outer edges. Adult oriental fruit moths are much smaller than codling moth adults, and lack the characteristic bronzed area at the wing tip Lesser Attacks all deciduous fruits, particularly peach and apple. A stronger resemblance to the cherry fruitworm (G. packardi) is more difficult to resolve, although that species usually does not attack apple. According to this OFM model, traps should have been deployed in orchards near Paterson, Washington, by early March and elsewhere by early mid-March. The oriental fruit moth (Grapholita molesta) is the No. Good Fruit Grower is the essential resource for the tree fruit and grape growing industry. These are artificially produced sex pheromones—the chemical lures that females emit to attract males. With the introduction of mating disruption for OFM in the 1990s, pheromone-based control has been the method of choice; its effectiveness has reduced OFM damage in commercial orchards to low or non-existent levels. Lesser appleworm larvae tend to retain their pinkish color when boiled and preserved in alcohol, as compared with the latter two species. These lures can demonstrate the presence of adult OFM, but that does not mean mating disruption is not working. Using pheromone traps to monitor the OFM population in each block is necessary to assess the potential problems caused by this pest. Sampling for damage is the best way to determine whether management programs are effective. Interestingly, OFM has rarely been trapped north of Interstate 90 based on surveillance programs conducted by the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA). Jeffrey W. Dwyer, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. Larvae resemble those of the codling moth (Cydia pomonella), which does not possess an anal comb, and (in apple) tends to damage the seeds as well as the fruit flesh. In 2016, Katie Buckley and Mike Klaus of WSDA conducted a season-long survey of stone fruit pests, placing over 600 OFM traps in commercial orchards, backyard trees, unmanaged roadside trees and abandoned orchards statewide. Get notified when we have news, courses, or events of interest to you. OFM was trapped at 96 separate sites in Benton County and 45 sites in Yakima County. 2018 Crop Protection Guide for Tree Fruit: Stone Fruit [not cherry]). Larvae are distinguished from codling moth by the presence of a black anal comb on the bottom of the last body segment. Various kinds of hand-applied dispensers are available on the market, but even the dispensers with the shortest pheromone release time remain effective for at least 90 days. LEARN HOW TO STOP THE INVASIVE SPOTTED LANTERNFLY, Coronavirus: Information and resources for the Extension Community. Now you can get Isomate-C to protect apples and Isomate-M for the oriental fruit moth. UC ANR Publication 3454 UC Pest Management Guidelines. It is an Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status.