3. of the god Ellilla (Enlil), 13. (called) Nin-an-dagal-ki1 1. 17. during the execution of this work ); 4. Of Shirpurla, The word has been compared with the Hebrew bohu, translated “void” in Gen. i. 15. who the orders of the god Nin-girsu ); 1. 2. may the goddess Duzi-abzu (Geshtinanna, Enki & Ninsun‘s daughter) It is the oldest dated source (c. 2000 BC) containing the list. 4. to construct 4. the female mourner has not caused her lamentations to be heard. 1. the builder of the temple 9. and its captain 8. having been placed in the hand; 7. shall remove, 8. 11. The singer met him with a song, …… string with his hand: 10-15 “What you have eaten, what you have eaten —. 3. for the life ), the lady august, the sovereign (? 13. the temple of E-ghud, the temple of the 7 stages, Gudam…… the beer, …… the wine, …… the bronze vessels, …… the bronze vessels ……. 30. may the peoples proclaim! behind the city walls. 1. he has constructed.2. Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly. For the life of the king3. 4. so that traitors would lie on top of loyal men and the blood of traitors flow upon loyal men. We who were in charge of …… during the night are …… by the storm. 6. the patesi 3. 3. 5. Gaze upon your city Nibru, an empty wasteland. Nanna (Nannar) traded away his people, numerous as ewes. O your people! 4, inclusively, only with the greatest reserve. Nin-gish-zida (Enki‘s & Ereshkigal‘s son). Notes based on Marc Van De Mieroop's. Its people rushed around like water being poured from a well. He hacked down the door of the city gate (the other ms. has instead: …… the gate, the gate of Ickur (Ishkur / Adad). 318-327 The Shining Quay of Nanna was silted up. 8. he has constructed. 15. shirgal-ghabbia stones 328-339 There were no paths on either of its banks, long grass grew there. The devastating flood was leveling everything, Like a great storm it roared over the earth —, took an unfamiliar path away from his beloved dwelling. 15. who is my king— 6. the patesi [For the god] Nin-sar (Enki & Ninhursag‘s daughter),24. the bearer [of the sword?]25. ); 1. 21. has added. The land densely populated from south to uplands: may An not change it. 2. he has caused them to be used as beams. 48, 12, etc. he removed the livestock official from control over asses and sheep. O your city! May An not change the decisions and judgments to lead the people properly. 81:3 Perhaps “the land of Mash” or Arabia Petræa, the Mash of Gen. x. 7. he presented, 47. for the statue of the god for you? 16. the offspring. The holy usga priests of the sacred lustrations, the linen-clad priests. to obliterate the divine plans by the order of An (Anu) and Enlil; (Anu, King of the Anunnaki giants, in his winged sky-disc). [has] constructed.10. 28. of all men of noble race, 16. the chiefs, 1. 48 before the mouth she has placed them. 16. by the goddess Bau, The man who used to drill large wells scratches the ground in the market place. 3. of the god Ellilla (Enlil), 16. for his lady (E-anna ziggurat way above Uruk city below, all mud brick!) 2 lambs, that the sea should bring forth every abundance: may An not change it. 13. he has built. The holy throne of her divinity 81:7 Perhaps Kilzanim is the name of a country. 17. 6. 2. the patesi 18. the mistress who Uru-azagga the temple of E-ninnû, ), ), 22-26 after An (Anu) had frowned upon all the lands, after Enlil had looked favorably on an enemy land, (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir, born of the Anunnaki “double seed” law of succession). 17. the king5. 13. The temple wherein dwells (?) Since time immemorial, since life began, in those days. The fragrance of the sacred seat of Nanna, formerly like a fragrant cedar grove, was destroyed. 2 lambs, I, not destroyed by the storm, my attractiveness not brought to an end, ……. 5. 5. the patesi ), (gods in blue …mixed-breed demigods in teal…). 1. 8. of Shirpurla, Enlil has handed over the city to the storm. [I should translate it: “the quay which runs from the white stone of the gate.”—Ed.]. 6. he has caused to be taken; UCBC 9-1819 is a clay tablet housed in the collection of the Museum of Anthropology at the University of California. 25. speak!” ], 90:2 [I should render: “the quay which comes forth from the lord.”—Ed. 5. 20. in Uru-azagga. His wife Namrat (Aya), the beautiful lady, was lamenting bitterly. 19. Inside Urim there is death, outside it there is death. 7 birds…, 8. by this name he has named (the statue), 19. the builder of the temple. that (King) Ibbi-Suen should be taken to the land Elam in fetters. Mother Bau (Ninurta‘s spouse) was lamenting bitterly in her E-Iri-kug (residence). Gudea, (Ninurta, KIng Anu‘s heir to the throne of planet Nibiru, after father Enlil), 1. 30. whose [length] was 70 spans, (huge metropolis of Ur with Nannar‘s temple residence, home of Biblical Abraham). The foreigners in the city even chased away its dead. Gudea (the temple) of the god Nin-girsu 36. the words of their mouth Its clay (for the construction of the temple) in a pure place 14. covered with renown, (Prince Ninurta & Princess spouse Bau) 3. of Shirpurla (Lagash). 13. The munzer-fed cows took an unfamiliar path in an open country that they did not know. 15. 340-349 Suen (Sin) wept to his father Enlil: “O father who begot me, why have you turned away from my city which was built (?) The great wind of the countryside filled the countryside. 2. for her statue 2. 52. in the mountains of the river Gurruda 3. the foundation having been strengthened; [17] It is also possible that they were fictional creations to make the kingdom seem more legitimate and ancient to its subjects which would explain the exaggerated lifespans and recurring and composite characters that have overwhelming similarities with their predecessors. That there should be rain in the skies and on the ground speckled barley: may An (Anu) not change it. 7. he has constructed. 8. has constructed. 22. shall suppress my name 30. he has increased. 3. by the power of the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta), 29. 8. he has caused to be molded. (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son, 1st to arrive on Earth with a group of 50). Who can oppose it? He removed the head boatman from control over the boats. The earth thence extracted, like precious stones, he has measured (? 25. He afflicted the city with that which destroys cities, that which destroys houses. look into your darkened heart, terrifying like waves. The province of Lagac (Lagash) was handed over to Elam. forsook the divine plans and sacred divine powers, they went off to a foreign city. 9. 20. to make the tablet-like amulets (?) In Urim the enemy oppresses us, oh, we are finished.”. Her sacred altar (?) The judgment uttered by the assembly cannot be reversed. The Bur(?)-sag,34. the statue), The holy throne of her divinity 3. 30 garments of wool, 15. The temple of the god Nin-girsu For the god Ellilla (Enlil) 8. the temple of E-adda, 9. his im-sag-ga, 1. he has constructed.2. (1 ms. has instead: was deprived of water.). 1-7 Gudam…….Gudam…….Inanna…….Gudam…… within Unug (Uruk) ……. 10. his favorite temple, threw open the door of the grand gate to the wind. Like a pigeon she flew from the window, she stood apart in the open country. 8. to destroy the city, to destroy the house, to destroy the cattle-pen, to level the sheepfold; that the cattle should not stand in the pen, that the sheep should not multiply in the fold. Cuni-dug, who stores butter and cheese, did not store butter and cheese. that the junior wife should take no joy in his embrace, that the young child should not grow vigorous on his knee. 2. (semi-divine king & Ninurta with winged beast symbol) (1 ms. adds: Ninsun …….) 11. named with a favorable name by the goddess Bau (Gula), citizens of Lagash living as debtors because of grain taxes, barley payments, theft or murder. 5. 14. the good lady, The snake of the mountains made his lair there, it became a rebellious land. Let it be of hard stone! However, the fact that many of the dynasties listed reigned simultaneously from varying localities makes it difficult to reproduce a strict linear chronology. The attributes in lines 2 and 3 of the cone oblige us to restore dingir Ninâ, “the goddess Ninâ (Enki’s daughter),” in the first line. 8.—Inscription on Statue H of the Louvre, (Princess Bau, daughter to King Anu, & nephew-spouse Ninurta). The word of An and Enlil knows no overturning. 7. by the god Nin-âgal (Enki’s son), 37. let no one change 10 sheep she, 39. … 3. no country can resist (? 9. his king ).”, (Inanna, Ninurta’s niece, Goddess of Love & War). 2. the powerful warrior (royal son & heir to father Enlil), (Enlil, King Anu’s son & heir, Earth Colony Commander) … Reference to this individual in the Epic of Gilgamesh has led to speculation that Gilgamesh himself may be historical. 6. In its sacred place (?) 19. her favorite temple, 2. the powerful warrior 5. that they should be given over to live in an inimical place; 47-55 to decimate the animals of the open country, to. 10. has constructed. 17. a man endowed with large understanding, 11. overthrow it in the dust! “Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.