Because of this we really appreciate everybody who is sharing our game with their friends. This one is more split. Would you rather... teach a year of third grade using no books or print media of any kind? 31 Best Biology Pick Up Lines – Spark amazing conversations. The “would you rather” game is a classic. This question really lets you know how important social interaction is to the other person. Would You Rather activities are designed to encourage critical thinking, promote meaningful conversation, and to engage and inspire students. It’s a gamble. Let’s say she can cut the hair but it grows back at midnight every night. How tired would you get of bananas? These are the questions that hurt the brain (but in a fun way). Or are they already back? They’re perfect for casual dinners, road trips, or just relaxing at home on the couch. Questions get progressively harder. And how would you find your way back to familiar territory? Immediate gratification or long-term plans? Let’s say the gift certificate is for her absolute favorite restaurant to clothing store too. Everybody thinks differently in this world. And just because these are clean would you rather questions, doesn’t mean they’re easy! If you notice anything out of the ordinary please do us a favor and send a bug report. Simple and sweet. Here are 15 clean, incredibly funny would you rather questions: That amount of socks might be worth a small fortune. The home or the environment? As an example one of our questions: WU rather sleep in a cold room, or hot room? Mother Teresa — ‘I would rather make mistakes in kindness and compassion than work miracles in unkindness and hardness.’ You can lead them from point A to point B, maybe because you’ve gotten there yourself or because they trust you. If you’re just looking for a quick get to know you question, to bust out on a first date, at work, or hanging with your friends, this versatile list should treat you right. Here are some more conversation sparkers for you to work with: The great thing about would you rather questions is that people genuinely enjoy them. We have a section where you can submit your own would you rather questions - or any other type for that matter! Take her answer and go with it that night. Many of these questions can shed light into how people think, their beliefs, and their lifestyles. 1. Would you rather know it all or keep your peers in stitches? You can see this profile when you reach the end. This question can lead to fascinating conversations about the most interesting time periods, as well as speculation about what the future may hold. The beauty of the “would you rather” game/thought experiment is that it naturally leads to longer conversations and debates. Both are tough. After all, sometimes girls just want to shoot the breeze and have some laughs — just like the guys. Take this question to the next level by pretending divorces are strictly forbidden. About a 45-55% difference give or take - interesting. (we may throw in some miscellaneous questions as well). Eventually she’s bound to become the greatest singer or dancer of all time. Whether you’re in a new relationship or celebrating years of marriage, sometimes couples just run out of things to say. They follow the classic “would you rather” format, but they can spark some seriously introspective conversations. Or another example: Would you rather live one 1000 year life, or ten 100 year lives. Whether you’re on a first date, hanging out with a platonic friend, or courting your crush, these questions to ask a girl will stir up some interesting conversation. You can take the socks off while you sleep. Why do 85% of people prefer sleeping in a cold room? Would you rather reach the world through words or through sounds? You might be surprised by how well you can get to know someone just by asking some would you rather questions. 31 Best Chemistry Pick Up Lines – Spark interesting conversations. Party Trivia Juegalo Un gran inicio de conversación ¿Qué Prefieres? This question becomes extra funny if you have both options ready to pull out. Answer ALL the questions in order to see how normal you are! That's why each of our would you rather based posts have a wide variation of different answers. These handy would you rather questions solve that common dilemma. Jasper lives in Georgia with his new bride. Purple Kids Mattress Review - Is this the best for your kid? This profile measures multiple personality traits including kindness, logical reasoning, intelligence, social behavior, whether you're an introvert / … What’s more important to her now? Learn more about the way humans think! Purple Kids Mattress Review – Is this the best for your kid? What’s worth more — honor and prestige or cold, hard cash? You can memorize your favorites, or simply save them on your phone for a rainy day. And what types of conversations would you have? Try to stay open-minded, and hear out your “opponent.”. What matters more? You can still eat anything you want. It can break the ice between two people or liven up a party. Promote Someone. Here are 8 clean but hard would you rather questions: Both options would make life a challenge, but shoe shopping would really become a chore with one answer. You can still style your banana peel hairdo to your liking. After all, you’re providing them just two choices. Here are 15 of the best clean get to know you questions: Monochromatic or multi-color? Try to prove why your answer is better. Have a think and try to come up with something clever that my be difficult for people to answer. They’re also awesome for long car trips. Are achievements worth it if you can’t find personal fulfillment?