Journal articles will help you to gain a deeper and broader understanding of TESOL, TEFL, English language teaching (ELT), second language acquisition, classroom methods, etc. Updated on Oct 22, 13 Created on Jul 22, 13. Note 1: Managers of ELT related journals are invited to contact me for their journals to be evaluated and included in the database. ELT Journal, Volume 66, Issue 3, July 2012, Pages 380–382, ... for example, one or two weeks (Bygate and Samuda 2005: 43). Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education is a peer reviewed journal focusing on issues of writing teacher education – the development, education, and mentoring of prospective, new, and experienced teachers of writing at all levels. The scope includes theory and practice in … I … The teaching of any subject is usually based on an analysis of the nature of the subject, teaching and learning principles rooted in research and theory related to psychology of education and philosophy of education. In this cool post, Michael describes the impact of using reflection journals on his practice and on student learning. Note 2 : If you need any help paying/transferring the fee to the journals, you can contact the manager through the email address mentioned above. ELT Journal Articles aimed at those professionally involved in the field of teaching English as a second or foreign language. A list of free online academic journals relating to English language teaching (ELT). Materials Used in English Language Teaching. IJELT aims at reporting high-quality empirical and original research contributions for the benefit of teachers and researchers in the field of English Language Teaching. Teacher and student-created videos in English language teaching . It's been a while since a guest post on ELT Planning. ELF and teacher education: attitudes and beliefs We welcome native and non-native speakers of English teaching at primary schools, secondary schools, language institutes, companies, and colleges/universities. In addition, librarians who plan to publish pedagogical articles may find it helpful to identify disciplinary journals with this focus, in order to speak to teaching faculty. International Journal of English Language Teaching (IJELT) is a peer-reviewed international journal run by the European Centre for Research Training and Development, United Kingdom. Due to its rise as a global means of communication, the English language has been increasingly used by and between non-native speakers (henceforth NNSs), leading to a growing interest in what has come to be known as English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in English language teaching (ELT). Professional, refereed journal on topics of significance to individuals concerned with English language teaching and learning and standard English as a second dialect. About this journal. Although articles are written in English, the journal welcomes studies dealing with the teaching of languages other than English as well. About KOTESOL. All English teachers or English-based businesses, of any level or nationality, are eligible to join KOTESOL. Language Teaching Research is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research within the area of second or foreign language teaching. Category: Schools & Education URL: Michael Walker is a PGCEi-qualified teacher who has spent a while teaching EAP at a university in the Republic of Korea. Non – Scopus indexed journals in English language and literature are many.