Use our online hieroglyphics translator to translate your name, a word or message. Our translator is under constant development, with new content being added regularly. Hieroglyphics Translator Egyptian hieroglyphs were the formal writing system used in Ancient Egypt. We hope this tool will be both fun and helpful in your study of hieroglyphics. Also, the reading direction varies across the historical corpus, but right-to-left was the most common. Our hieroglyphic translator will allow you to translate English to Hieroglyphs! The history of hieroglyphics is thousands of years old. For more information about how the translation works and the alphabet and symbols use, please see our help page. We're currently working on a hieratic translator - watch this space! That really depends how you use it!, The Hieroglyphic alphabet – Multiliterals. Please use our hieroglyph translation tool below to translate your text to phonetic Egyptian hieroglyphic symbols! It combined logographic, syllabic and alphabetic elements, with a total of some 1,000 distinct characters.The later hieratic and demotic Egyptian scripts were derived from hieroglyphic writing. A huge thanks to Lene Kristiansen for creating and publishing a hieroglyphics font! This is common across ancient writing systems, but I've included spaces because I imagine most people using this would like to see some word boundaries. Cut and Paste the code below to embed the translator in your web page. Each of these 24 characters are called "unilaterals" - "uni" coming from the fact that they represent a single sound. You can use the image for sharing which will look the same regardless. It's almost certainly more accurate than the other translators available right now if you Google "hieroglyphics translator" - they just do a direct substitution and don't even consider the English pronunciation of the words during the translation. This translator certainly isn't perfect, but it's at least based on up to date research on the topic, and consideres English pronunciation during the translation process. Put your English text in the first box and it'll do it's best to translate it to Egyptian hieroglyphics in the output box. Historians and linguists apparently tend to insert the "eh" sound between consonants to make words pronouncable in English. I'm no expert with this stuff, just an interested amateur, so again, if you spot any errors please let me know! Where this is the case, an ancient Egyptian scribe would be quite able to read the words on your screen, as easily as you can. We're currently running version 1.2, ver. The reader is expected to fill in the vowels when pronouncing the word. One crucial point though (no matter which was it's written) is that the animal and human hieroglyphs myst face the start of the line. Roughly speaking, When you search for a word, like “boat” or “cat” the translator will provide you with the known Egyptian word (where known). This translator works based on custom fonts served from the internet (@font-face). I've tried to make this translator as accurate as possible, but it's a work in progress (please let me know if you spot errors!). Where you spell out an English word, or something like your name we transliterate your input as closely as possible. Hieroglyphics Translator This is an Egyptian hieroglyphics translator. However, left-to-right (like English) was used as well, and so I've followed the left-to-right for ease of reading (many scholars do the same). A few important things that you should be aware of regarding this hieroglyphics translator: Firstly, this translator does a phonetic translation (or more accurately, transliteration). And if you're interested in this stuff, and how this translator works, then check out this phonetic table and this wiki page for more details on hieroglyphs in general. The Egyptian "alphabet" was never official, but amongst the many hierglyphic symbols there were about 24 different symbols which represented simple vocal sounds and which were used very much like the letters of the English alphabet. There are Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbols for combinations of sounds too, like this one: Which represents a cluster of three consonants: "nfr" (which was the sound of the Egyptian word for "good, beautiful, perfect"). Egyptian Hieroglyph Translator *BETA. I had to edit the font a bit to include the "ch" and "sh" sounds. Put your English text in the first box and it'll do it's best to translate it to Egyptian hieroglyphics in the output box.