Audesson: If you want to waste money on more expensive water, be my guest, but your hair won’t look any better for it. Leaving baking soda in your hair overnight will have a salt-like effect and further dry out your hair. It is gentle on your scalp and stimulates hair follicles leading to hair growth. Instead, you can leave it on for 1-3 minutes at the time of washing your hair. Anything that is drying for your hair will make your curls lose shape and definition. If you try this at home please leave your reviews down below, we know our readers will be curious to see what you think! This leads to fragile hair that breaks easily. How Beneficial Is Baking Soda For Your Hair? Due to the drying nature of baking soda, it is probably more effective on people with extra-oily hair. Use a moderate amount to avoid weighed down, oily-looking tresses. A successful baking soda hair wash routine can let you easily go a week with washing your hair with only plain water. You may have to wash in this manner around 3-4 times until you feel your hair is clear of all the build-up and just sebum is evident on your hair. Arshiya is fluent in English, Urdu, and Hindi and aims to become a multilinguist by learning German and teaching herself American Sign Language (ASL). Thus, people with dry scalp conditions like eczema or psoriasis are not recommended to use baking soda in hair. Ideally, baking soda should only be considered at times when your scalp really needs deep cleaning, as in the case of a clarifying shampoo. Maybe I needed one of those flavored seltzers. But, it is also an aggressive cleansing agent. As I stared at my post-blowout reflection in the bathroom mirror, I wondered if maybe I had just done it wrong. I used my normal shampoo and conditioner so I would easily be able to tell if the club soda made any significant difference in the end result (no experiment is complete without a control element, right?). Still, it is critical to note some cases in which baking soda has caused a lot of damage to its users. Wet hair well, rub in some of the baking soda … Click here for additional information . I have been "poo free" for a couple of weeks and still can't get over how great my hair looks. Maybe I didn't use enough soda. Possibly, but then I also remembered that club soda (or "seltzer" if you’re from New York) is frequently used in baking recipes to add air-related oomph, so maybe it would be possible in the hair realm, too? Participate in product testing surveys discussions etc. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove the same. These products can also increase static and friction between the hair strands, leading to frizz and tangles. If anything, my hair wasn’t as good as usual because I had wasted so much of my time and energy on the club soda that I halfheartedly used my blowdryer. The American Academy of Dermatology suggests reaching for a product that goes well with your hair type before zeroing in on a hair wash method (3). It mostly suits all types of hair and especially works well to soothe dry, irritated scalp types. We avoid using tertiary references. Gradually, keep decreasing the amount of baking soda where you only use 1/2 or 1/4 teaspoon in a glass of water. Baking soda may also work well for fine and limp hair by giving it volume and texture. Everything You Need To Know About Blow-Drying Curly Hair. I probably also lost a bunch of brain cells from bending over the sink for so long. Massage the mixture on your scalp using gentle circular motions. The normal, healthy pH of our scalp is between 4 and 5, which is slightly acidic (1). Arshiya Syeda is an editor and certified counselor. One such ingredient that is rapidly finding a place as a hair-clarifying agent nowadays is baking soda.