You're in a romantic relationship with someone you really like. You are more likely to have an orgasm via. Would you date someone who was currently in a relationship, knowing that you would "be a secret?". diet, cleanliness, etc.) Behind these hypotheticals lurks a dark world. Would you ever consider having sex in a church? 339 Would you be okay with your significant other spending a lot of time with one of his/her exes (as a friend)? If someone asked you, "What's the worst thing you've ever done?" 296 Are you ready to settle down and get married right now? Have you ever had an abortion/requested a mate to get one? Jerkops). Which of the following learning approaches would you prefer? Have you ever entered into a relationship out of desperation? We won't know until we die & then still might not. 300 Would you consider connecting with someone whose relationship status is 'seeing someone' or 'married'? A bird has built a nest on your house or garage. Do you often feel victimized by people you consider friends? 444 Did you join OkCupid just so you could find people to have sex with? 561 Could you date someone who does drugs? There are about 10,000-20,000 questions...I have answered about 5,117 and know a guy that has answered 10,000 who may know a guy that answered 20, one time there were 250,000 o.0. If your partner wanted you to say a specific phrase during sex, would you? Do you keep your sexual exploits private? What do you do? Has anyone ever accused you of being "high maintenance"? No -- someone who really likes me won't care. Do you feel that you're usually at least one step ahead of most people you talk to? If one of your potential matches was overweight, would that be a dealbreaker? Do you find that extremely intelligent people are intimidating? I would let soonest sex be up to her, but don't keep me waiting too long. Which would be closest to your reaction? I hear you! In your ideal sexual encounter, do you take control, or do they? Do you flake out on social invitations? I'd say my spirit is active while I am awake, but it does more when I am at rest or sleeping. Is Dungeons and Dragons going to suddenly become relevant when the reckoning comes? Would you develop a new hobby/cultivate a new interest just to have something in common with your partner? I'd love to have a specific discussions for specific questions, and be able to refer to such data for analysis. List of OkCupid Answers. Not as in whips and chains, but in general, do you prefer your partner to be... You witness your next door neighbors discreetly smoking marijuana on their own property. Do you examine the nutritional information for the food you buy in stores? How frequently do you go out of your way to make others feel appreciated? Your significant other wants to go to a strip club with a few friends. Consistent proper English: We are not at school! If you meet someone and they are everything you are looking for, except their body type, do you give them a chance? Sometimes, it depends upon the circumstances. A person you're interested in attempts to cook a romantic meal for you. I am already totally 'natural' in this way. How far would you be willing to travel to meet a person of interest who also has a high match percentage for you here on OkCupid? If an acquaintance mentioned something negative about a person you just met who otherwise seemed nice, how open would you be to give the person you just met a chance? How does your maturity level compare with most people your age? Do you subscribe to/believe in the philosophies of Ayn Rand? 474 How important are your political beliefs to you? With my partner, but apart (not touching). :) i would hate to give away anonymity of the users though, and my current interface was specifically made for my data-parsing needs :D. That is really hard to read without formatting. But if you're looking for a spiraling trip down a self-doubting rabbit hole so deep that you'll completely forget you were looking for a mate in the first place, well, OkCupid has got you covered. I care about ecosystems and the butterfly effect and everything like that. Some of the histograms lack labels, which makes trying to make sense of the data kind of hard. Do you prefer hardcore or softcore when it comes to your porn? Eating processed garbage and chicken parts of uncertain provenance is what makes us human. Which would be closest to your response? Share only if it proves that God does not exist. There was a problem submitting your feedback. You can mark it "Irrelevant" and set your answer to private (so other members won't be able to see your answer) if you'd prefer. Do you ever get inspired to make something creative for no reason in particular? I do not usually use an alarm clock to wake up. The only luxuries would be those you could carry in a pack on your back. How would you feel about a significant other. Certainly not in person with the theoretical exes I've had. 308 Could you date someone with no long-term goals? Obsessed: I bleach anything I can't trust! Do you enjoy intense intellectual conversations? Would you ever consider having a friendship based primarily on sex, with no intentions for love, romance, or long-term commitment? 328 If you were to get married, would you want your partner to change his or her last name to yours? 405 How are you most likely to show your partner you care? Imagine being all alone in the great outdoors, miles from anyone, with no communication device. When the relationship was not going well. Regardless of where you grew up or now live, which of the following best describes the way you see yourself at heart? Do you like watching foreign movies with subtitles? I do not really have an opinion/never been to one. When you fall in love with someone, do you go ahead and tell them, or do you wait for them to say they love you first? 467 Jealousy: healthy or unhealthy, in the context of a relationship? Imagine that you come home to find a partner pouring red wine all over a stranger's naked body and then licking it off. Would you date a recovering (non-drinking) alcoholic? Would you avoid all contact with an ex if your current significant other asked you to?