When there are two objects there is a difference between them. This is important information to include on your next graph. 10   Mrs. Grant insisted                (know)                   the whole truth. You've had your free 15 questions for today. 3     You are capable                (do)                    better work. Wrong! 1. © Copyright 2016-2020 - Education Quizzes It tests your understanding of the Indirect Object. Kenneth Beare is an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher and course developer with over three decades of teaching experience. 2. 21   The mayor made another public statement for the purpose               (clarify)                    the new tax proposal. 1. You've done well on your lessons. On, In, At, To / In-On-At-To Exercise 2 7. No thanks - "Sue passed Ann the ball." 4     I have no excuse                (be)                   late. In other words, consumers want certain types of products. Wrong! The other two options are not prepositions, The correct answer is 'In' and it is the preposition we are looking for. Make your choice by clicking on its button. 3. You got: % Correct. Ann the ball a) Ann b) the ball. Quiz on Prepositions: Instructions: For each question, choose the single best answer. Bitte legen Sie das Buch ___ Tisch. Indirect Object Quiz. Good job. The correct answer is 'Above' and it is the preposition we are looking for. of course, the learning never stops when it comes to English! The indirect object is something or someone who receives. Test your understanding with this interactive grammar exercise. 2     Henry is excited               (leave)                   for India. our editorial process. Use 'between' when there are two of something. A lovely pair of slippers which might be found under a sofa. Prepositions Fill in Blanks 4. Remember that it is possible to use the same preposition in relation to different contexts such as direction, place, time or object. Keep it up and you'll become more and more confident in your abilities. The pronoun or noun that follows the preposition is the object of the preposition. You can have a fall or a rise in prices. The other options are not prepositions, All the options except 'After' are not prepositions. items #11-20, identify the object of the preposition in each sentence. The cause of something is the reason why something happens. 23   The jury found Mr. Adams guilty               (take)                  money from the company he worked for and (keep)               it for himself. That's true whether they are family, friends, or colleagues at work. 14   Everyone in the neighborhood participated               (search)                  for the lost child. You can see in the first example there are two nouns – 'plane' and 'Mount Everest'. 13   Laura had a good reason                (go, not)                  to class yesterday. Good Job! Negative form: not precedes a gerund. Similarly in the second sentence BEHIND is the preposition and the object of the preposition is 'him', a pronoun. 25   I’m going to visit my family during the school vacation. From your study of the previous two quizzes you would have surmised that these words are prepositions. Of course, there is always more you can learn. Would you object                (go)                     to an Italian restaurant? You want try another challenging preposition quiz, or learn how to make small talk. 8     Instead              (study)                 , Margaret went to a ball game with  some of her friends. on. (c)   I’m interested in learning more about your work. German Preposition Quiz Test your knowledge of prepositions (Präpositionen) Share Flipboard Email Imatge de L'hort de la Lolo / Getty Images German. 'Up' relates to 'soldiers', which in this question is not the object underlined. (e)   I’m accustomed to sleeping* with the window open. If we make a mistake in thinking we misjudge a situation or someone. A gerund is frequently used as the object of a preposition. In (d) through (g): to is a preposition, not part of an infinitive form, so a gerund follows. items # 1-10, identify the preposition in each sentence. 22   The thief was accused             (steal)                   a woman’s purse. However, sometimes, we might have a fall in gas prices if we are lucky! Learning these combinations can be difficult. I don’t blame you               (want, not)                 to go to the meeting. (a)   We talked about going to Canada for our vacation. Master the details of English grammar: Learn more about this course Great job on this quiz! We also learnt that certain specific prepositions are used to convey certain specific meaning in relation to place, time or direction. If it's an increase in profits, the company is in the black. We use cookies to make your experience of our website better. *    Possible in British English:  I’m accustomed to sleep with the window open. You know a lot of combinations, but there are certainly more you can learn. Find out more. In these sentences you will notice the words in capitals are related to a noun or a pronoun. You'll need to subscribe. The direct object is. The common prepositions used along with objects are DOWN, BELOW, UNDER, AFTER, ON, IN, BESIDE and ABOVE. Share Your Results. We also learnt that certain specific prepositions are used to convey certain specific meaning in relation to place, time or direction. Prentice Hall Regents, 1989. English as a Second Language (ESL) Expert, A List of 130 Mass Nouns (Or Noncount Nouns) in English, English Prepositional Phrases: At, By, For, From, Under, and Without, Understanding the Types of Nouns in English Grammar, Overview of Noncount Nouns in English Grammar, Learn About Noun Phrases and Get Examples, French Verbs With Their Correct Prepositions, M.A., Music Performance, Cologne University of Music, B.A., Vocal Performance, Eastman School of Music. 18   In addition               (go)                  to school full-time, Sam has a part-time job. Prepositions - Intermediate 3. You'll get there in the end! You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. 19   The angry look on his face stopped me               (speak)                   my mind. The attitude towards someone is how you feel about them, as well as the way you interact with them. 20   Where should we go for dinner tonight? the direct object the main verb a) the direct object b) the main verb. 5     I’m accustomed                 (have)                     a big breakfast. German Expert. Here, the preposition OVER is used in relation to Mount Everest, the object of the preposition. We can send invitations to many events such as weddings, parties, graduation ceremonies, etc. It's OK because we all make mistakes from time to time!