With these tips we’ve given you, you’re sure to get the fruitful harvest you deserve. Why it's important to prune at the right time, the right way. Take out any thin branches to give the bigger ones a boost! Choose the lowest scaffold branch so that it's higher than 3 feet from the ground. It’s time to give your plants a little bit of a chop at the top! Meyer lemon trees can be kept to a small pot, restricted to the size of a small shrub or can grow up to a full-size lemon tree. To clip a Meyer lemon tree hedge, prune stems at the desired length just above the nearest leaf. This term refers to getting rid of the bottom growth to prioritise fruiting at the top of the canopy. In fact most lemon trees benefit from regular pruning, especially in the first two years of their life. Frost damage affects stem tips and whole stems. . This is more for an aesthetic concern than a practical one. Frost-damaged stems are sometimes dark and may look shriveled. Choose the lowest scaffold branch so that it's higher than 3 feet from the ground. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. In fact most lemon trees benefit from regular pruning, especially. This prepares it to produce bigger and better lemons as it ages. All citrus trees are notorious for getting weevils, snails, as well as gall wasp infestations that can cause problems and ruin your crop. Cut off all shoots that are growing out of the tree's roots or the lower portion of the trunk below the … When there is no fresh, new growth on the trees, prune overly long stems at the desired length just above an outward-facing leaf. A lemon tree will provide fruit all throughout the winter and can make an attractive addition to a decorative garden. In late summer most Meyer lemon trees have stopped growing, and as temperatures fall the trees harden their bark to prepare for winter. Once you’ve followed all the steps, you can appreciate the results of your hard work! Absolutely! Cut out any dead wood from the tree as well as any that look diseased or damaged. Step 2) Pruning. Start by removing the deadwood from the branches of the tree. Wipe pruning shear blades with a cloth that was dipped in rubbing alcohol, before and after pruning Meyer lemon trees. If any are branches hanging inside the lemon tree, remove them. Frost-damaged stems should be pruned, and light pruning later in the year can improve the trees' shape. Life doesn’t simply give us lemons – we actually need to grow them first! Frost damages leaves, stems, flowers and developing fruits, and prolonged or severe frosts can affect large areas of trees. Meyer lemon trees growing as a hedge can be lightly clipped in late summer. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool →. Thin out other branches until the lemons are receiving substantial sunlight. When pruning Meyer lemon trees for shape, don't remove the lower portion of the stems to create a clear, smooth trunk. Applying controlled stress to the plant signals new growth, telling it to focus more energy on developing the remaining buds. For preventive measures, you’ll also need some organic herbicide that you can apply after the pruning job. Pruning is a necessary part of caring for. A lemon tree will provide fruit all throughout the winter and can make an attractive addition to a decorative garden. Fun fact: the Meyer lemon is actually a hybrid between a lemon and a mandarin orange! Cut all branches that are not part of the scaffolding of the tree and are growing vertically, back to about 4-8 inches. Start by removing the deadwood from the branches of the tree. Just take note not to prune during summer or winter, since they could be damaged by sunburn or frost. Growing naturally to a compact size, Meyer lemon trees (Citrus × meyeri) don't need regular pruning. Some stems may seem to be damaged but sprout new leaves; other stems may look fine but have died. Cut at the top of the branch to make it collapse downward. Frost damage on Meyer lemon trees may not be noticeable until late spring. Meyer lemon trees can produce fruit year-round in warm climates. Do not prune until most of the fruit has matured and has ripened before pruning in the spring. Cut away any branches that are not part of the scaffolding so that they are 4-6 inches from the trunk. Regular pruning of the plant keeps the size manageable for minimum effort and maximum results! Train the tree to grow to a certain height by trimming any branches that grow higher than you wish. Wait until new growth appears before pruning frost-damaged Meyer lemon trees. Take out any thin branches to give the bigger ones a boost! Before getting started, you need to plan and prepare everything. If you prune too much, you could overstimulate and stress the plant. Pick off blackened, or discolored, wilted leaves, flowers and fruits. Doing this often will keep the tree trained to the height you cut it. Cut all the branches off the tree that are lower than the lowest scaffold branch. Doing so regularly will keep the tree growing to your liking. Here’s a pro-tip for easy maintenance: whenever you see deadwood, you can remove them at any time. Growing lemon trees is fun and maintaining them is worth all the extra effort. is fun and maintaining them is worth all the extra effort. Depending on the climate, people prune during spring or autumn. These decorative evergreen trees grow 6 to 10 feet tall and 4 to 8 feet wide, and they can be grown in containers. Skirting also helps prevents the leaves from touching the soil and getting contaminated by fertilisers or herbicides. Having your tree a few feet away from the ground keeps pests from climbing onto the tree and spreading diseases. Young lemon trees are pruned as often as needed to shape their structural framework. Don’t overdo it, though. Gather your gardening gloves and your clean pruning shears. Meyer lemon trees occasionally benefit from light, late summer pruning to improve their shape. When there is no fresh, new growth on the trees, prune overly long stems at the desired length just above an outward-facing leaf. The lower portion of the trees produces plenty of fruit, and it's also the most accessible area for harvesting. Make a cut on the bottom of the branch about a quarter of the way in. Wait to begin pruning your tree until it has grown 3-4 feet tall. Pruning frost-damaged stems on Meyer lemon trees in late spring helps prevent diseases and improves the trees' appearance. There are different types of lemon trees found in Australia such as the Eureka and Lisbon varieties. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! It’s perfectly fine to chop off one-third of the tree, but not any more than that. Pruning lemon trees opens up the center of the tree, allowing easy access when spraying, and creates a large fruit-bearing surface area than can be reached by the sun and the harvester. Meyer lemons grow best in climates where temperatures range from about 58 degrees Fahrenheit at night to about 72 degrees Fahrenheit in the daytime.