range, Typical API call: Define ship class for which you would like to receive berth calls. The MarineTraffic ID of the port you wish to receive probable visits (found on the URL of Big data made simple Harness the power of big data - from integration with apps and platforms to spreadsheet ready reports, API services deliver. separated values). The MarineTraffic ID of the port you wish to put as starting point (found on the URL of the https://services.marinetraffic.com/api/vesselmasterdata/v:3/YOUR-API-KEY/imo:value/protocol:value, Example API call: Get a voyage forecast for a vessel or your MarineTraffic fleet. If defined and ship-class is undefined, return all ship-classes of the specific market. Få posisjonsinformasjon for et enkelt fartøy. If undefined and ship-class is defined, return based on data, AIS-transmitted The week-to-week difference of number of days spent at port as a percentage. for week 18/2018 input 18). https://services.marinetraffic.com/api/expectedarrivals/v:3/8205c862d0572op1655989d939f1496c092ksvs4/timespan:2/country:US/dwt_min:100000/dwt_max:160000/shiptype:7/protocol:xml, Description: Motta en oversikt over tilgjengelige ruter og distanse fra valgt punkt til havn eller havn til havn, Endpoint URL: https://services.marinetraffic.com/api/exportroutes, Example API call: Get general or technical vessel information about any vessel, such as vessel type, dimensions, ownership, photos etc. Få informasjon om fartøyet (inkludert type, dimensjoner, eierskap osv.). MarineTraffic Live Ships Map. URL to the Details page of the subject vessel at MarineTraffic, Timestamp in the future to start looking for expected arrivals. Are you using MT already? The week-to-week difference of number of days spent at anchorage. Travel Mapping, Marine, Transportation. MarineTraffic provides data on millions of daily vessel positions, which users may integrate with their applications or websites using the RESTful API. The MarineTraffic ID of the vessel you wish to monitor found on the URL of the respective Vessel page. If undefined and data, Use either TIMESPAN or FROMDATE/TODATE in order to look for expected arrivals in a specific date There is one very useful python package called dumpitwith which you can easily list all methods and descriptions: https://github.com/arrrlo/dumpit To list api call methods, do the following: Endpoint URL: https://services.marinetraffic.com/api/expectedarrivals/v:3, Information about AIS-transmitted https://services.marinetraffic.com/api/setfleet/8205c862d0572op1655989d939f1496c092ksvs4/mmsi:1234567890/active:1, Removes vessel from fleet. Vessel page. The MarineTraffic ID of the port you wish to receive ETA info. Maximum period requested 15 days. The standard deviation of days spent at port the previous week. https://services.marinetraffic.com/api/exportvessels/v:7/YOUR-API-KEY/MINLAT:value/MAXLAT:value/MINLON:value/MAXLON:value/timespan:#minutes/protocol:value, Example API call: **Project status: beta. En unikt ID tildelt av MarineTraffic for registrerte brukere på MarineTraffic, Dato og tid (UTC) n år brukeren sist kjøpte mere kreditt, Angir om fartøyene ble slettet fra en flåte. MarineTraffic.NET **Unofficial .NET library for MarineTraffic.com's API. Choose among our extensive AIS data sets that include: Retrieve precise positional information, from historical to near real-time, of any vessel of your interest, while at sea or within a port. https://services.marinetraffic.com/api/exportcredits/8205c862d0572op1655989d939f1496c092ksvs4/, Description: Clear your MarineTraffic fleet from all vessels, Endpoint URL: https://services.marinetraffic.com/api/clearfleet/, Typical API call: Vessel positions are refreshed on our database every minute. Hastigheten på fartøyet som MarineTraffic brukte for å produsere ETA_CALC-verdien, Maksimal dypgang som er registrert for det aktuelle fartøyet, Lastetilstanden for det valgte fartøy (i ballast), The estimated route of the subject vessel to destination in WKT format, The Estimated Time of Departure from a Destination of the subject vessel according to the MarineTraffic calculations based on calculated eta, time at anchorage & time at port. respective Port page), Distansen (i NM) mellom den valgte punkt eller havn til ankomsthavnen, Om fartøyets kurs går gjennom Panama kanalen, Om fartøyets kurs går gjenomm Suez kanalen, Route/Waypoints as Linestring Geometry in WKT - Well-Known Text. data, AIS-transmitted The active parameter can have values of 0,1,2 which corresponds to the three states of the fleet items (inactive, active, sat enabled). Harness the power of big data - from integration with apps and platforms to spreadsheet ready reports, API services deliver. The MarineTraffic ID of the port (found on the URL of the respective Port page) or port MarineTraffic extensive data sets include: Not sure which is the right Data Service (API) for you. with all three leading Satellite AIS server providers (exactEarth, ORBCOMM and Spire). If undefined and ship-class is defined, returns based on ship-class for ALL applicable to size class markets. https://services.marinetraffic.com/api/shipsearch/8205c862d0572op1655989d939f1496c092ksvs4/imo:9375783/protocol:xml, Description: Få forventet ankomst til en spesifikk havn eller land. Receive information on waiting times at ports, anchorages and defined commercial markets.