Japanese beetles can destroy plants and crops in your garden. Drop one-half cup of chopped jalapeno peppers and one-half cup of dried cayenne peppers into the water. Japanese Beetle Traps don’t really work because they tend to lure in more beetles they can handle. In mild invasions, it can be best to just physically remove the beetles. You don’t want to trade the situation of a beetle eating your beloved plant to directly killing it or stunting its growth with an oil. However, they often leave a yellow stain and a nasty stink when they sense danger. LaFollette found her passion for writing during an internship as a reporter for "The West Virginia Standard" in 2007. Put on the lid and blend for one to two minutes, until pureed. If it seems to be compounding the situation, switch to a different method rather than adding more attractants to the area. We have always listened to our customers' suggestions and concerns which has allowed us to create services that truly meet their needs. Keeping guinea fowl around your lawn & garden is a proven way to limit not only Japanese beetle populations, but that of ticks and other pests as well. In that … Pour into 1 pint water. In addition to the above mentioned oils, the cocktails of wintergreen oil mixed with ginger and peppermint and citronella oil mixed with ginger have shown effective reduction in plant attractiveness in certain situations. Simply pull them off the plant you wish to protect. She has more than six years of writing experience and specializes in topics in garden and pets. Japanese beetles are easy to spot in a garden. Rove Pest Control services both residential and commercial properties. Then you’ll walk around your yard or garden and grab Japanese Beetles by the hand full. However, not everyone wants to keep these loud birds as pets. Japanese beetles can cause extensive damage to plants, chewing on leaves and blossoms.The beetles emerge from the ground during early June and are active up to August. Simply shaking them off and stomping on them attracts more because when killed, the female emits a pheromone that attracts males. Pour the mixture into a clean spray bottle and let it stand overnight to … Japanese beetles can destroy plants and crops in your garden. The beetles will drown in the water and then you can dispose of them. 7. Allowing the lawn to dry out will deprive Japanese beetle eggs of water, which will kill them. Typically the Japanese Beetle heavy foraging season is relatively short. Certain essential oils have been found to be effective in repelling or at least reducing the attractiveness of certain plants to Japanese Beetle populations. Cover Your Rows That, and the fact that most pesticides don’t work makes this … Angela LaFollette holds a Bachelor of Arts in advertising with a minor in political science from Marshall University. Also keep in mind that Japanese Beetles can fly so the covering has to be completely over the plant. Instead of planting American Linden, fruit, or Birch trees, select Ash, Boxwood or Dogwood. Commercial traps kill beetles, but there are also common things around the home that, when combined, become effective at killing beetles. Pour in one package of yeast and one smashed banana. While Japanese Beetles are annoying and can do a lot of unsightly damage, the effects are typically superficial and aesthetic in nature (obviously a huge deal if they entire purpose of your affected plants is aesthetics). Plan your Planting: There are some plants that Japanese beetles tend to gravitate to way more than others. Replace the bait trap as needed. Dislodge Japanese beetles from plants by spraying them with a strong stream of water from a garden hose. Japanese Beetles are slow and clumsy. The Japanese beetle, as the name certainly implies, is native to Japan. Killing the Japanese beetles with chemicals may harm the environment, and some commercial traps attract more beetles to the garden. While the defoliation of beloved trees, roses and other plants can be extremely frustrating, it is important to note that not all yards in a given neighborhood are equally effected by the annual Japanese Beetle invasions. Spread milky spore around the soil where you notice the beetles and their grubs. They aren't a problem in Japan because natural predators keep their numbers down. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! Picking them off by hand, drowning them in a jar and getting them off the property, while satisfactory from a revenge standpoint, is laborious at best. Plant the castor bean in the areas where you notice heavy populations of Japanese beetles. The beetles leave behind eggs that hatch into grubs. If you have a small infestation, pick or shake bugs off trees and plants and drop them into soapy water to kill them. Why Do I Have an Increase in Spider Problems. Create a bait trap by combining 1/4 cup of sugar with 1 cup of water in a 1-gallon milk jug. Step 1. Typically the Japanese Beetle heavy foraging season is relatively short. Plants such as catnip, chives, garlic, tansy and rue are said to be repellents for Japanese beetles. 15 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Ladybugs (Asian Lady Beetles) Dr Susan Zuzurnetra.