We totally get how Diana is feeling in this quote. Visit our corporate site. From the most philosophical truth bombs, to lighthearted motivators, each and every day Pascal surprised me with something new. They knew we were making boat loads of cash by time travelling here and there! Animal Crossing is an extremely popular franchise that involves you getting to customize your own character and town while befriending various critters that will move in and … single time you have caught one. "I used to be into rap music, maaaan, but it's hard to freestyle underwater." Pascal simplifies the idea of loving your own body with the whimsy of geometry. However, everyone is the protagonist of their own story. Bath For giving up your scallop, he also gifts you with not just actual pearls, but pearls of wisdom. But alas, I’m not here to talk about Pascal’s wise quotes! You will receive a verification email shortly. En savoir plus sur comment les données de vos commentaires sont utilisées. Perhaps her night improved if she caught a few cool bugs? Like we mentioned above, Pascal is an otter who likes to theorize and talk philosophy. Pascal puts a lot of stock in just loving the simple things. It's a soundtrack for your life, maaan, wrong notes and all.". "Remember, even if things are bad, there are always hammocks. Read this Animal Crossing New Horizons Switch (ACNH) guide on Pascal the sea otter. You heard it from me first. Pascal is a mad lad and I am sorry for this low effort blog post. Depending on how you read Merry's comments it might seem like she's admitting to some form of attention deficit disorder or depression. The name certainly suites him, as Pascal has many quotes that reflect a thoughtful soul. It's kind of sad when you stumble on someone whose sick, like poor Pango pictured above. This is because everyone has different needs at different times. C’est un peu le hasard qui fera venir Pascal pour la première fois. Sometimes thinking about a memory, even a good memory, can make you really upset. I have no idea where Pascal got that statistics. The honest and pure way of reading this too deep is that Pascal wants to be a swimmer. It's not fun seeing a tiny animal sick, even if they are able to talk and shop! Tous les anniversaires des personnages - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Débloquer Rounard - Animal Crossing New Horizons, La chasse au trésor - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Serena et le Monde des rêves - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Guide des insectes - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Liste des insectes - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Obtenir un maximum de clochettes en chassant les tarentules - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Guide des Fleurs - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Guide des clochettes - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Guide des Navets - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Comment faire pousser un arbre à clochettes - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Guides des événements saisonniers - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Tout savoir sur la Fête des Œufs - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Trouver les œufs - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Comment débloquer les plans de bricolage de la Fête des Œufs - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Comment éviter de pêcher des oeufs - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Plans de la Fête des œufs - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Tournoi de pêche - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Jour de la nature - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Matériaux saisonniers - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Journée internationale des musées - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Saison des mariages - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Récompenses de la Saison des mariages - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Insectosafari - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Feu d'artifice et Tombola de Rounard - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Les citrouilles - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Liste des plans Halloween - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Guide des buissons - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Liste des œuvres et des contrefaçons - Animal Crossing New Horizons, Les fragments d'étoile - Animal Crossing New Horizons. Look, you look adorable munching the scallop but could you please at least give me more DIYs? When you find one, Pascal the otter will pop up and ask you for it, and bestow you with either a pearl to craft said recipes, a mermaid-themed item of clothing, or a recipe for a new piece of furniture. It is incredibly complicated. This quote isn't super sad but the circumstances being described are. On […]. Maybe they just really badly want some pizza instead! Her favorite games include Dragon Age, Pokémon, Final Fantasy XIV, Team Ico games, Ōkami, and RPG maker horror games. — Pascal, City Folk Pascal's role is largely unchanged in Animal Crossing: City Folk, as he still stands on one of the town's bridges on random weekdays from 6 A.M. to 12 A.M.. Related: Animal Crossing: The 10 Cutest Villagers, Ranked. "It's OK To Laugh Even When You Don't Get The Joke. This is a great quote for the Animal Crossing series at large since it is possible for villagers to leave your town behind. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. He's been around since the earliest versions of the game. Quiet Pascal! This chill otter has been around since Animal Crossing: Wild World and is a favorite among fans. All rights reserved. It takes a lot more than being amicable to make you fall in love. Receive mail from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors? In this photo, again, it appears like Maple might be moving out of town. Now, in order to get your hands on the Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mermaid DIY recipe set, you have to dive for scallops each day. But alas, I’m not here to talk about Pascal’s wise quotes! Fans believe he is named after the French philosopher, Blaise Pascal. There's also weeding, and fishing, and crafting, and bug catching...". If someone isn't in the mood to smile, they can't help it. When it comes to Pascal's deep truths, you never know just what the red otter will come out with next, and that's half the fun of it. Me playing 400 hours on Animal Crossing New Horizons is not a waste of time!