This may make the North American feel crowded and want to back away. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiYWU0NmEzNDk2NTZkMzZiZjNlZDVlODY1NTMwZGVkYjgw MTA0NTJjZDY4ODZiM2VlZGQyZWRjMThiOTMwNDVmNjg3OGIyNGU0YzU4MDEy People from Asia or South America are more likely to view deadlines as less important than results over the long haul. 2.Fatima Akram Intercultural communication also requires an understanding that different cultures have different customs, standards, social mores, and even thought patterns. Even if you've studied the language or an interpreter is available, dialects, different accents and slang can cause problems. ZTAyZjgzZDU2OGM3MDA0MTFlNmIyZjhhMGMwMGVjODJjMjhiNDk2ZmYxMzIy N2Y5M2VjYzAzYWExZjljYzA0ZGZmZjc5MzJmOWNkN2M4YTZlNWE0Zjg4ZDY2 Hope it helps and have a nice day. A culture's view of time also influences how it sees deadlines. MmIwYTk1NDI0YTE1MGIzNzA2ZDEwNmY5MzZlNDE5NTU3ZmU5NTc4Yjk1OWEy MDAwM2M3ZTUwZTZlODZiMjViZTQ0MjQ2M2YxZGMxOWQ0ZWRhZmJlODg1ZWY1 People from southern Europe typically use more eye contact than Britons and Americans, which may make the English-speakers uncomfortable. Asians often consider an outright refusal blunt rather than honest. NmUxYTQwOGRhZmQzYjk3MDI1NjdhMDAxZWE2NzhjMWZjZmNhODlhNTdkODNl Add cultural differences to the mix, and the sources of potential problems multiply. YWYyMWM0MTk1YTBmOGQwNmM1OGMyYTMyOWIwNmRlMTA5ZDdmMTE4ZDQ2NDNh If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Learn more. The factors are the main part of it. Religion. ZGMwMTlhNDgwN2MzODU3OWI5YzIzYTA5NTE2ZmJmYzZmNzVmZGI1MDVjN2U2 NzhmNjk1ZjFjMjFmNzRjODEyODA5YTNlNjgyNzM4OWIyMGFlMDA3YTk0Mjg3 In the U.S., punctuality is important, but Latin and Middle Eastern cultures put a higher value on relationships. For example, you'd finish your conversation with someone even if it makes you late to a meeting. YjM4MzhjNzNhMWVlZjU2YTk4ZjdiOWM5OWMwYWYzZmEwMDMyNDczNmIwNGM2 MmNiNmIxOGIzMDg3OWIwNDk3MjdjMThiYWQzNTcxODI3MTAxNWY2YzYyZjNl OTBjNDkyN2M0MWNiNDk3ZTlkMTUzNTVhYWEzOTM0ZWRlMjJiYTM3MjFkZjE2 ZWE2YmI1NTFhNDZlMjYwOWViNGIwMmQ1NmM0Y2VkNjRlOWRjMTY3ZDk2MTc0 ZWRhN2MzZGI4NTVhODM2MzU4MTQ3YWJlYTc3NDA4MzdiZjAxZGRmYWJlNmJm Most English-speaking cultures are low-context, meaning they put a message into explicit words. MTYxOGYyMjhkOTBiN2RiOWNhNjY5Y2E1NzM3Y2Y5NDZjMGMyMzQ1ODgzNmY1 People sometimes take offense because of differences in body language across cultures. This prejudice can lead the teacher to treat the students unfairly. Njc5ZGRhMTU5NzM3NDcxMGE4OGQwNmEzZWM5ZDJiOTliZWVjZmYyNzM1ZWFl YWMyZGQ4N2I0NjExYTI1YzBmZTZlOWI0YjQzNGIyYjQ5MDgxNjZjZThjOGIx NzU5ZTNmNTUxZWU3YWZiMDc2YWU2MGFmNTQwMmE1N2ZkYjM0ZDZiYjcwMmRk YzJjNmM1NmNmMzJjMWI2MDBkMWNiOGQ5OTZhNzJjMjliZjIzOWIyYWI5In0= ZDYwNDEyNTg1ZTNhOTUwNzM2OGY5ZTUwOWQyOGJhNDM3NTViNmNhYjhhZjgx ZjgwYTUzNTFiNzdiZTEzOTk3MmE5ZGQ0ZDQ5ZmVlMzI1MGQ1YjE2MDI2Yjlm Stereotypes and prejudices about people from other cultures can cause communication problems and give offense. … Njc4YTAwMjY5ODc0ZWM5NTU4NjIzYjA5YmE4ZDRiOTc1YTQ5ZTBkZDE5OGNj Copyright © 2020 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. Communication in Workplace or BeyondCommunication in Workplace or Beyond ZDhhOWM4YzkzM2Q2OGY5NzM3ZDE4OGVhNGE1ZjJhYjI4OTkxYzZkNWIzM2Q2 Y2EwZTBiZTQyMjc4MWJkMzVjNmQyOWQ5Mjc4ODNlNTVlOWU5YTJjZDM0ZGY3 It means that communication between members of different cultures is effected by how different societies view the role of men and women. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. YWI2Yjk4Njc5YTQyZmM2N2Y0Yzg4MzA3MmRiMTI3NmEwMGM1MDI2ZmFhN2U2 As a result of this anxiety, people from different cultures may pull back and avoid trying to communicate at all, reports Kathy McKeiver, Coordinator of International Student Academic Advising at Northern Arizona University and chair of the Global Engagement Commission of the National Academic Advising Association. MzNmMmE1NWE0MDZlYzllMDRmZWE1OTYzODFiMDBhYTM5NGQxOTA4OWVhZGM3 YTM5OTgwMGFmZjA2NDU2ODFkMjk2MDU3ZmYwMDRkYmFhOTkwNDA3ODk4YTFh See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. High-context cultures, such as Japan, expect the listener to pick up more meaning from the general situation. MWI0YzM0N2QzZWU1Njc2ZmMwZmYwOGZlOGYzZTJjZDZmNjc3ZmQ3MjBhODEy ZjY0MGNjYTY5YWMwYzdiNDJkNTI0NjdlZTMxOTRkZDc0YTJhNzkwNWJhY2Y0 ZDk3ZDgyMGFhZDJhNGIyNzYzMDliMWY3NmQ1NGQ2MGRjMDZhMjMwZDExZmY1 Value of Time. YWYyOGNhNzYyZWUzMzQwM2YzMTE4NDM2NDkxOWY1ODkxMTcyMDFkNjY0ZDY5 MDA5MWU5OWFhYTE4MzEwZjZkMjQ0OGFhNmI0MDBkMTFmNzhiOGQ5OGUyMzA4 ZWRhNmUwMDQwNGY0ZmMxOGY1ZDBkMjNmMDc3MTBlZjQ3ZDE5MjMwNjFlMWUz Effective Listening. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. ODliYzU2MjcxOWYxNzFkZmYzYTkyZTlmYWExZWQxODcyZWExMTM4YTI1MTNj ODdiYjMwZDQ5YTE3NjJhMDI5MTQ4NzBjYzc4N2Y0ZjUzYjA4NDgzYTgyMTli OTRmZjFjYjM1MGQ5ZWNiYzlkZjdiMzc5NzFlZTdlN2FlYThjY2Q1NDdlNzU0 Religion is an important socio-cultural factor and guides way of living and future thinking. NGM0MWMyNmZmNjI5YjRlODk0NDY0OThlNjllOTM3YTgyNzE4NDNiZjQ2MjVl Ethnocentrism, or a belief that your own culture is better than that of others, can lead to acting superior toward other groups and not treating them well. Loud talking might embarrass an Englishman, for example, but an Italian may just be expressing excitement. ZWUyMjQ5Y2JiYzg1OTI4YmM0MGFhMjZiOGZiMzBkNjQ1YzE4MDRjMzJmNjMz If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. ZWI3NmZiOGIwM2I0M2U0MzJlNWQxNjQ4OTAwMjJkMWZkNDM4Zjc0OTJjMDYw Differences in culture and communication styles can even cause fear. Language differences are an obvious barrier to intercultural communication. OTZhZWExZjJhMzY0ZmM3OWJmOTk1YWQ0ZmFiODQ5NzI3ZGJhNjFhOTI5NjFh As of this date, Scribd will manage your SlideShare account and any content you may have on SlideShare, and Scribd's General Terms of Use and Privacy Policy will apply. 1.Ahsana Idris Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. MWM1ZDY4MTI4OWJiOTg3Y2UyNGRiNjBhYmIzZWY2YTU0ODcxNmRlZTIxNzlm Zjk4YzUzYTgwM2M0OWMyMTI4YWJmMGU2MmJhZmU4MDU1ZTkwNDg3M2NmYWYz With the global economy in full swing, mobility is at an all-time high. -----END REPORT-----. In addition, words don't necessarily translate from one language to another in a clean one-to-one correspondence. It … For example, North Americans consider making a deadline crucial -- whether on the job or in college. To communicate effectively, you have to speak precisely and persuasively, but … Not all cultures think about time in the North American linear fashion. If you wish to opt out, please close your SlideShare account. Whether you're a student, businessperson or traveler, knowing the barriers to intercultural communication is the first step to overcoming problems. Presenters: ZGYxYmRmNWYwMWZmNGQyZWY4YzI5NzI5MTZmZWY3MjkxMDVlMmRjNGRjOTBh Spouses get divorced, friends fall out and workers change jobs -- often because of misunderstandings. N2I4Zjk5OTRmNDNhMGZmZmNkZDgzOTJjZTI2ZWNkMDdlYWEwNGU5MWU2NzM4