In the present work, we suggest laboratory experiments on acoustic measurements for the thermo-physical characterization of crude oils in order to determine their equations of state. Tertiary recovery is also called “enhanced oil recovery” (EOR) or “improved oil recovery” (IOR). The secondary production is stopped when water or gas is the main substance in the production well. Figure 3. At low temperatures, however, kS almost becomes independent of temperature. If you accept cookies from external media, accessing these contents no longer requires giving manual consent. (Easy check: Lowest volume at the lowest temperature) 2. Section, The effect of temperature on the seismic wave velocities in rocks saturated with hydrocarbons: Soc. The corresponding bulk density of the samples at similar conditions has also been measured using an Anton Paar density meter. Again we have performed this experiment from room temperature to 70 °C by increasing the temperature in steps of 5 °C. At higher temperature the increase of GOR reduces the pressure drop when solution gas is under saturated but increases the pressure drop for GOR greater than the saturated solution gas. We are thankful to Dr Alan Heward and Mr Said Al-Mahrooqi, Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) for supplying the temperature and pressure data of the samples. Hereafter we call them sample I (Saih Rawl) and sample II (Ghafeer). Eng. The lines are for temperature of 15.6 and symbols are for temperature of 43.3 C (60 and 110). SG: 0.844 (calculated at 60°F) For that, oil density at 60°F is approx 844 kg/m^3. For want of actual information, usually oversimplified values of the thermo-physical properties of hydrocarbon fluids are taken into consideration. In this study, heavy oil density was predicted from API and temperature, and then the predicted values of the densities were used in the second step to develop the viscosity correlation. Dr. Moshfeghian has presented invited papers in international conferences. Check out the latest downloads available in the File Library. For comparison, we have also measured the density (ρw = 999.661 kg m-3) and velocity (Vw = 1497.0 m s-1) of pure water at similar temperature and pressure conditions. Density of crude oil as function of temperature - Variations in crude oil density are shown … Oil recovery is divided into 3 stages: primary, secondary, and tertiary recovery. Variation of acoustic impedance with temperature. Density of oil at 20 deg C and zero overpressure is calculated according to the formula. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Then use the dark grey line in the Crude oil volume correction figure (Density@15°C/Density@observed T). Lines are for feed temperatures of 15.6 and symbols are for 43.3 C (60 and 110), Figure 8. It generally has a low wax content. The ultrasound velocity (V) and density (ρ) of crude oil samples are determined as a function of temperature (t). Lines are for feed temperatures of 15.6 and symbols are for 43.3 C (60 and 110). However, for the second case the temperature dropped from 43.3°C (110°F) to about 40°C (104°F) within 1.6 km (1 mile) of the line. Reliable data of the thermo-physical properties conforming to in situ conditions as a function of temperature and pressure are useful for the associated analysis. Variation of oil viscosity with solution gas, along the gathering line at 6900 kPag for 101.6 mm pipe diameter, oil rate of 636 STm3/d (4000 STB/day). Density of Crude Oils Saturated with Natural Gas ... the densities of liquidhydrocarbon mixtures containing both methane and ethane in solution may becomputed at elevated temperature and pressures within the accuracy of usualengineering computations. DR. MAHMOOD MOSHFEGHIAN is a Senior Technical Advisor and Senior Instructor. The LJ potential is an analytical potential function which has been widely used to model the spherically symmetric interactions of various dense and rarefied fluid systems (Watts and McGee 1976). Primary and secondary recovery together give an output of 15 % to 40 % of the hydrocarbon in the reservoir. The best EOR technique for each oilfield depends on the temperature, pressure, and depth of the reservoir as well as the crude oil properties and the ability of the crude to flow through the reservoir. From the known distance (d) moved by the reflector, the wavelength of ultrasonic wave is estimated using the relation d = n(λ/2). was Professor of Chemical Engineering at Shiraz University. Simulation software ProMax [3] and using the Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) Equation of State [4] for vapor-liquid equilibrium and Beggs-Brill method for two-phase pressure drop calculation [5]. John M. Campbell Consulting (JMCC) offers consulting expertise on this subject and many others. The density is measured continuously during each run. Introduction. All such complex forces can be included by considering the viscosity and thermal conductivity of the medium. By measuring the damping of the U-tube's oscillations caused by the viscosity of the filled-in sample, the instrument automatically corrects the viscosity related errors. Low Flow in Pipes- posted in Ankur's blog, Just a slight addition, your referred temp of 60 Celsius should not be suitable for most common and lighter crude oils as around 5%~10% may be affected, QUOTE (Qalander (Chem) @ Mar 13 2009, 11:42 AM), QUOTE (ankur2061 @ Mar 13 2009, 09:45 PM), QUOTE (Qalander (Chem) @ Mar 13 2009, 01:51 PM). Figure 8 presents the impact of GOR and temperature on pressure drop along the gathering line at 6900 kPag for 101.6 mm pipe diameter and an oil rate of 636 STm3/d (4000 STB/day). 63rd Soc. The accuracy of the experimental … * indicates the measured pressure and temperature (Heward et al2005) of the corresponding reservoir. - temperature correction coefficient, calculated according to the formula. Eng. Section 2 is devoted to the experimental methods. It is also called “miscible flooding” because it introduces miscible gases into the reservoir, which mix with the oil and give a single homogenous phase. Low Flow in Pipes- posted in Ankur's blog. Do you have any tips for beginner blog writers? These data have made it possible to set up the equation of state for the crude oil samples. Variation of line temperature along gathering line for two feed temperatures of 15.6 and 43.3 C (60 and 110) and an oil rate of 636 STm3/d (4000 STB/day). The feed enters the line at 15.6 ˚C (60 ˚F) for case 1 and 43.3 ˚C (110 ˚F) for case 2. Moshfeghian
Recieve follow up comments updates: RSS 2.0, View all posts by: Dr. Mahmood Moshfeghian. Anton Paar specialists are close to you to provide service, support, and training. The velocity of a compressional wave is determined as a function of temperature with an ultrasound interferometer, whereas the density at the corresponding temperature was measured using the Anton Paar density meter. You have 1000 m3 of a fuel oil with a density of 960 kg/m 3 at 15°C. These experimentally measured quantities form the basis for the thermo-physical characterization of crude oil through thermodynamic relations. The fluid mainly used is CO2, but it depends on the availability and the reservoir conditions. •Bakken Crude Oil has a Vapor Density of: •2.5 –5.0 •As such vapors can accumulate in low or depressed areas •These vapors can be both flammable and toxic. Res. Ultrasound interferometery has been used to determine the velocity of propagation of compressional waves in two different samples of crude oil over a wide range of temperatures. The propagation of a compressional wave causes small local perturbations in the medium. The net effect is higher pressure drop compared to dead oil (GOR = 0) pressure drop. The unit consists of a U-shaped oscillating tube and a system for electronic excitation, frequency counting and display.