The Meyer lemon tree displays aromatic white flowers and deep green leaves with a total tree height of up to 15 feet. Georgia has been quarantined for citrus greening disease and the Asian citrus psyllid (Figure 3) since 2009, when the disease was discovered in residential citrus trees near Savannah, GA.In 2016, the disease was identified in Camden County, and is currently widespread in residential citrus there. In subsequent years the fertilized area should be gradually increased. There are a number of hardy acid-type fruits available for homeowner use. It induces good cold hardiness in the scion variety and results in favorable yields and high fruit quality. They are sometimes referred to as the kid-glove (easily peeled) fruits. Dancy and Ponkan are exceptionally good tangerine varieties that produce quality fruits. Properly hardened bearing trees will withstand temperatures as low as 19 to 20 degrees F without appreciable wood damage. All of these citrus types develop into attractive, medium- to large-size trees. When only a few plants are involved, protective covers may be used when severe freezes occur. Citrus Frost protection Microclimates. These plants make attractive ornamental specimens and provide delightful fruits. Planting can be done any time during the year, although late winter to early spring (after danger of freezing temperatures has passed) is ideal. Some fruit may be borne the second and third growing seasons, although the quality may not be too good. Dwarf varieties are maintained near 6 feet. Citrus production within the state of Georgia (USA) is rapidly increasing each year. Once the disease has progressed, the best diagnostic symptom of citrus greening is “blotchy mottle” (. Citrus has many viroids, a tiny virus-like pathogen, that harm the plants throughout the world, but few have been found on citrus within Georgia. Georgia has been quarantined for citrus greening disease and the Asian citrus psyllid (. A reasonable rate of application to maintain healthy foliage and good fruiting is about a half of a pound of the 8-8-8 fertilizer per year of tree age (rates are for sandy soils; clay and other soils with greater inherent fertility require less fertilizer). Unlike nutrient deficiencies and other issues that may cause chlorosis (and appear superficially similar), the blotchy mottle of citrus greening disease is asymmetrical (meaning that is not the same on the right and left sides of the leaf). Even the most cold-hardy young citrus trees cannot withstand freezing temperatures as well as more mature, bearing trees. HSVd can infect many different plants, including hops, grapevines, and citrus. Field Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Production, Master Gardener Extension Volunteer Program, Coronavirus (COVID-19) information, resources, and updates for Georgia communities, Historical Background of Citrus in the United States, Cold Hardiness and Factors Affecting Freeze Damage, UGA College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, UGA College of Family & Consumer Sciences. Limequats produce fruit resembling the lime in appearance and quality and may serve as an excellent lime substitute. The CLas bacterium inhabits the phloem of the plant, and disrupts the normal transport of sugars produced by photosynthesis in the leaves to the other plant parts that need them (flowers, fruits, roots, seeds). Unlike nutrient deficiencies and other issues that may cause chlorosis (and appear superficially similar), the blotchy mottle of citrus greening disease is asymmetrical (meaning that is not the same on the right and left sides of the leaf). Citrus Greening and Asian Citrus Psyllids in Georgia: Figure 3. The kumquat is one of the most widely used citrus plants around the home and develops into an attractive shrub-like tree that bears small orange-like fruit about one inch in diameter. The Meyer lemon tree is the wisest choice for Georgia, according to the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Formulating a spray program can be somewhat difficult because of the many factors involved, including constantly changing government regulations regarding the use of agricultural chemicals.