Adults in the Blue Zones also tend to have 1-2 glasses of red wine per day, always with food and often with family or friends. Here are a few tips to get you started: Above all, stay patient. These regions include Ikaria, Okinawa, Sardinia, Loma Linda, and the Nicoya Peninsula. In one study including more than 81,000 adults, those who obtained the most protein from meat were significantly more likely to die from cardiovascular disease than those who obtained the most protein from nuts and seeds (11). The Blue Zones Diet isn’t actually a diet—it’s a set of lifestyle practices that are common to the healthiest parts of the world. One review of studies conducted over a period of 34 years found that loneliness and social isolation contributes just as much to risk for death as other well-established risk factors (30). It’s an eating plan based on the habits of people living in Blue Zones. The Blue Zone beverage of choice is just water, and plenty of it. Sardinia, Italy team believes that all people, regardless of age, size, and fitness level, have the power to transform their lives — they just need the resources to do so. Eliminate drinks that are high in calories, sugar, or artificial sweeteners (try our No Soda Challenge). It is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which has been found to lower "bad" LDL cholesterol and in turn reduce the risk of heart disease. There are lots of different types of antioxidants. How to Walk 10,000 Steps a Day, 5 Can-Do Tips, 30-Day Ab Challenge to Sculpt Your Midsection. For example, in one study, the zone diet showed that it improved body weight, glycemic control, waist circumference, and inflammatory markers in individuals with type 2 diabetes 6. Numerous studies have shown that antioxidant-rich diets help prevent and reverse chronic diseases, like cancer and heart disease. Olive oil is eaten with bread, salads, and veggies, in addition to being used to cook nearly everything in Blue Zones, Buettner noted in the cookbook. Healthy beverage choices– Another factor in the success of these weight loss food plans is the emphasis on healthy beverages. Indeed, large studies have linked healthy plant-based diets with decreased risk of death from all causes (5, 6). This is another way their diets lower their risk for disease. Healthy Lifestyle Practices in the Blue Zones, Kimberly Yawitz (Registered Dietitian Nutritionist), MTHFR Mutation Guide For Non-Sciencey Types! If you’re religious, going to services regularly may help you live longer. This may include connecting more with family and friends, being more active in your church, meditating or prioritizing activities that bring you a sense of purpose. Learn how to control portions and keep a food journal to track food and calorie intake. Take your time at meals, and chew your food thoroughly. Most important is a heavy emphasis on plant foods. Plant-based diets may promote longevity, in part, by lowering the odds of obesity. Beverages are important for longevity, Buettner said in the book. In doing so, they may help lower the likelihood of inflammation and cardiovascular disease (28, 29). He recommends at least half a cup per day. The SkinnyMs. As much as half of our daily sugar intake, on average, comes from soft drinks. There’s no guarantee that you’ll live longer, of course, but you may find that you feel better and healthier overall. Required fields are marked *, facebook twitter instagram pinterest youtube RSS Feed, Copyright © 2020SkinnyMs. It might, based on research from the healthiest places in the world. Other large studies have linked higher meat intake with increased risk of death, particularly for people with a history of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease or cancer (12, 13). Everything You Need To Know About Eggs and Nutrition Unscrambled, 55 Low Calorie Meals – Easy And Delicious Recipes for Weight Loss, Loma Linda, California (specifically, the Seventh Day Adventist population in this community). If you need to broaden your social circle, try taking a class, joining a senior center or volunteering. Summary: The Blue Zones diet is based on a book called The Blue Zones, by author and National Geographic Fellow Dan Buettner. So in addition to loading your menu with fruits and veggies, start enjoying foods like brown rice, nuts, and quinoa. Your email address will not be published. People in the Blue Zones share some common lifestyle behaviors that complement their healthy food choices. Get more tools for building a lifestyle that genuinely nurtures your body and mind; try a Hatha Yoga Session, Evening Yoga for Relaxation, or How to Walk 10,000 Steps a Day, 5 Can-Do Tips. People in the Blue Zones are active but don’t necessarily “work out.”. In this study, participants who increased their step count from sedentary to 10,000 steps per day were 46% less likely to die from any cause (27). A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. She currently works with sports nutrition and weight management clients for a private practice. Will a specific diet work? It sounds simple, but it can take some practice to stop eating at the point of satisfaction when you’re used to eating until you’re stuffed.