This card is advising that you need to break the chains in order to live a happier life by moving forward. Revolution comes when a cycle of authority or power is ending. Daily Angel Oracle Card: Attachment ~ Reversed, from the Energy Oracle Card deck, by Sandra Anne Taylor Attachment ~ Reversed: “Perceived Need and the Choice to Let Go.” “This card reversed is a wonderful indicator that an old negative pattern, relationship, or desperate attitude is being released. It may take some courage and effort to let go, but know that you are capable of doing it. The word detachment came into my head as I looked at the reversed card - that detaching yourself from others might be your downfall. The way to peace is through radical acceptance. What we don’t realize, is that by living our most authentic lives; dreaming, creating and manifesting without compromise, we allow others to do the same. I am strong, free, and able to choose what honors me.”*. If so, the chains that bind you could be of your own making. You seem to live in fear or desperat efor the future though whatever is stopping you, could be your own doing. It may be scary to confront this but you have the power to overcome these attachments. Daily Angel Oracle Card: Peace, from the Wisdom Of The Oracle, by Colette Baron-Reid Essential Meanings: "Freedom from attachment; radical acceptance." Often we get stuck in a place that feels safe; that is acceptable from the outside, even if it is slowly sucking the life out of you on the inside. This in turn closes down our heart chakra and can eventually cause physical issues as well. The more you let go, the more you develop new ways of doing things and the universe recognises these efforts. Something is holding you back. Spend time and appreciate the relationships you hold. The reversed card meaning shows an ending to a previous agreement or if there is a future connection to occur, there may be delays eg/ the job offer might not come, romantic relationship is delayed. The home is harmonious with love and peace. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. As the lady gazes upon the mask, it can mean the real you is hiding behind something. What can you change about your life in order to be more joyful? Old patterns may be so deeply engrained that this will be an ongoing process but the universe will support you through these feelings, actions and interactions you have with others. Archangel Oracle is not intended to be for profit, but does carry an expense with WordPress, domain cost, etc. Daily Angel Oracle Card: Goddess Kali And Black Obsidian, from the Crystal Mandala Oracle Card deck, by Alana Fairchild, artwork by Jane Marin Goddess Kali And Black Obsidian: “Sacred Revolution” “We bring you the empowerment of sacred revolution. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. No permission necessary. What situation has you trapped and not reaching your true self? Attachment: “Perceived Need and the Choice to Let It Go.” In the upright position, this card reveals that your passage forward is being stopped by strong attachments to old patterns or people from the past. Let go of what doesn’t raise you up. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Your Donations Are Graciously Accepted To Help Me To Keep Archangel Oracle Online! ( Log Out /  This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This card in reversed indicates you have recently made an important decision or are just about to. In this picture we see a lady chained for what seems like years based on the cobwebs. This card is telling you that it is time to take the action you need to break out of your chains and move forward to a open, free, healthy, and authentically happy life. ReversedReversed card can show that you have no worries weighing you down at the moment. The confusing energy has been sent out and it’s time to focus on the plans you want to bring into your life. Over to you, Tori… As a professional psychic, in my own practice, I've been working with tarot cards for over 25 years. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Desperation blocks manifestation; therefore, the more you struggle to attract your desires, the more you push it away. Divine intelligence activates the field of possibilities where new life is co-created in a magical way. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The card in reverse may signify an old pattern, habit or relationship being released. For as we deny our soul it’s journey, we force our hearts into a box that is just too tight. 2015 is almost upon us… this is the perfect time to recreate yourself and your life. The sun shines brightly and the rainbow shows the goodness surrounding you and your family. In this case, the reverse card was exactly the opposite meaning of the Upright card which isn't always the case. The chain at your wrist is…. What is it that you are holding on to, and why? Archangel Oracle is not intended to be for profit, but does carry an expense with WordPress, domain cost, etc. This may be a time to focus on relationships whether it be with family, friends or partner. Don't be deterred by the delay as it could mean something better is going to be on offer or it's protecting you to not go into that agreement. Some relationships do not bring out the best in you though we stick around hoping it will get better, when sometimes we just need to let go. The chain at your wrist is bolted to fear from the past or desperation about the future. Is there a way for you to work through it so you can finally let go and reach your highest potential? Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your account. In life sometimes there are situations, memories or people that served a purpose at the time but no longer serve us in the now. Neither you nor anyone else can know how or why this happens. You are breaking the chains that bind you and are working towards a bright future, moving on from the attachments that have restrained you in the past. Many times we stay right where we are so as not to rock the boat; feeling that by being a martyr we are choosing to help those around us be happy, even if it is at our own expense.