In 11:32 it says that Terah, Abraham’s father, was 205 when he died. God called Moses; Moses blew it by killing the Egyptian and fleeing into the wilderness for 40 years. . You believed because God imparted faith to you (Phil 1:29). God desired that Abram become a source of blessing to the whole world, setting before him a moral imperative to obey His commandment to leave everything of this world behind. But, of all the people on the face of the earth, why did God choose Abraham? 1:26-31). She says that she and Fran did not sit down and plan out their ministry at L’Abri, and how it would have a worldwide impact. There is a chronological problem I should mention. But 11:27 says that when Terah was 70 he became the father of Abraham, Nahor and Haran. Yet God still used him. The sages tell us that God peeks through windows. Then the LORD said, ‘The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. He didn’t know the amount of the dues, so he sent in a signed blank check. 24:14-15). God calls a man named Abram, later known as Abraham, to launch his plan to rescue and bless the whole world through Abraham’s family (Genesis 12). You may wonder why God chooses certain individuals. He is the one passing from place to place when he sees a fortress that is burning. He is the father of all believers. Some of you may be at Haran. God chose Noah because he was a righteous man, perfect in his generations. He chose Abraham to demonstrate His grace. A. God’s plan involved Abraham. Doubts (Pick one). But seeing how God worked slowly but surely with Abraham encourages me that there is hope even for me. He was only one man out of millions on the earth in his day. He dwindles the righteous people count down from fifty to ten as he negotiates four more times. So when it says that Arpachshad lived 35 years and became the father of Shelah (11:12), it may be a direct link; or it may mean that he became the father of an unnamed man who was the ancestor of Shelah. But in spite of his rough edges, in spite of the time it took, God used Abraham. 4). What is the conflict of the story of sinigang? Abraham would become a great and powerful nation. 1:24, 26, 28; Acts 14:16). As I read the story of Abraham, I see that God did not choose him for his courage, or his intelligence, or his standing in the community. Even the trials God brings into our lives are part of the tapestry. To the Hebrews and others of that time, this was not misleading. And, he also helped open my eyes to other great men of God who, since then, have greatly shaped my life as I have studied their lives and writings. But you know how God turned that trial into the greatest blessing in Abraham’s life. The last point of the Mashal to unfold is the opening and closing Psalm: “Listen, O daughter, consider and incline your ear; forget your own people also, and your father’s house; so the King will greatly desire your beauty; because He is your Lord, worship Him.” (Psalm 45:10-11). Why did God use Abraham to help bring about His plan of the Messiah? “For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice, that the Lord may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him” (Genesis 18:19). We don’t know much about most of Shem’s descendants listed here. Be thankful that you are privileged to know Him! What if you had been born in America 500 years ago? The title reflects the point that she makes repeatedly throughout the story, that God is weaving the events of our lives into His divine tapestry. The nations spread out over the earth. But his life, obedient to God, made a difference. I’ll choose him.” But that isn’t the way it works. He began to follow God’s call when he left Ur and moved to Haran, several hundred miles closer to Canaan. Jeremiah the prophet said that God knew him, consecrated him, and appointed him before he was formed in the womb (Jer. When the Sun Sets: Jacob Meets God (Gen. 27:41-28:22), Jacob: When God Turns Darkness into Dawn (Expository Sermons On O.T. He is on a spiritual journey as well, asking questions about God. Thus, the answer to our original question, why did God choose Abram is answered in this Midrash. But he got sidetracked. He said, “Will you say this fortress has no governor?”. Why did God choose to bless a mere man with multitudes of descendants, who would in turn also be blessed? He got as far as Haran and settled there until his father died (Acts 7:2-4). God wants you to sign your life over as a blank check to Him. They suppressed the truth in unrighteousness. God chose Noah because he was a righteous man, perfect in his generations. We read in Genesis 12:4 that Abraham was 75 when he left Haran for Canaan. In clarifying the translation of the Mashal’s words, “fortress” and “burning,” we realize in the context of the Tanach, they mean “capital city” and “illuminated.” In contrast, we might read: “This may be compared to one who was passing from place to place and saw an “illuminated capital city.” In this Midrash, the rabbis have intentionally chosen a more ambiguous translation. He even holds an important place in heaven, which Jesus referred to as “Abraham’s bosom” (Luke 16:22). Box 473, Haymarket, Virginia 20168. But when God was searching for a man who would bring the hope of salvation to the whole earth, He needed someone who himself had already yearned to bring that message to humankind. As we’ve seen, they were not innocent people. But at any rate, there was a fair amount of time between Noah and when God chose Abraham and began to call a people unto Himself. Abraham was not only a man of faith; he was also a faithful man. God called Abraham to leave his country, his kindred, and his father’s house and go to a land that He would show him. 1:15). Most of those nations had strayed from the truth about God. The point is, God didn’t choose Abraham because he was a good man. I’ve wasted so much time and gone off on so many side trails. [i] All Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Bible (NKJV) unless otherwise noted, Thomas Nelson Inc., 1982. Even though people were living longer at that time, he was no youth. All Rights Reserved. But God called Moses again. Copyright © 2020 Multiply Media, LLC. We don’t know. If Abraham—chosen by God—directs his family after him to walk in righteousness and justice then God would carry out His promise. In fact, apart from Jesus Christ, it could be argued that he is the most important figure in the Bible. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, © The Lockman Foundation, Related Topics: History, Soteriology (Salvation), Steve served as the pastor of Flagstaff Christian Fellowship from May, 1992 through his retirement in December, 2018.