As most of us know, reptiles like bearded dragons will just eat any kind of moving insects that they can find. Hornworms These are popular with bearded dragons because their movement draws the bearded dragons in to eat quickly, and they’re packed with calcium and water. A great substitute meal for live dragonfly larvae. Not only are hornworms high in calcium (47mg/100g) and low in fat (3%), but they also have a soft exoskeleton, making eating and digestion easy! For smaller worms buy the 25 count cups as this comes with less wood, and for larger worms (up to 4 inches) choose the 12 count cup. Also known as trevo worms, butter worms ae highly nutritional for amphibians, invertebrate, and of course, reptiles. We advise pet parents to give their reptiles live mealworms, but if it’s not possible, then Zilla Reptile mealworms can serve the same purpose. These worms have high-fat content, which can stretch up to 21% of the total content. Gut loading these worms isn’t really necessary since they are already rich in calcium. Good foods to feed the insects include corn meal, ground legumes, mustard green, sweet potatoes, spinach, carrot, collard green, rolled oats, apples cereal and oranges. Red worms for a bearded dragon is another meal that offers adequate nutritional value to any reptile. Another perfect way to fatten your reptile. A great thing about horn worms when it comes to feeding your pet is that you can simply grab it and hold it in front of them and they will swipe it up with their tongue. Bearded dragons can eat  butter worms, crickets, earthworms, hornworms, mealworms, silkworms, superworms, wax worms, Phoenix worms, and roaches. However, the high-fat content cannot qualify it as a perfect staple meal. Im not sure about my dragon's age but she is almost 19 inches long now. Last update on 2020-11-01 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. Horn worms grow really fast so I would keep them in a cooler area to stop them from growing so fast - like a window sill if its cold where you are at - horn worms are a hydrating worm so I only feed 2-3 at a time --- if you feed too many you will get runny stools -- to be honest I never order that many at a time -- usually 24 max but mostly 12 at a time ----------- I have a 6.5 month old that I cant feed huge horn worms to and a almost 2 yr old that can eat the large ones and believe me they get big --. They give an amazing taste to desert dwellers. Just like many other worms for bearded dragons, red worms can make a complete staple meal for reptiles. Canned bugs like dragonfly larvae can also offer the same ratio of nutrition that lives bugs can give. Besides, the worms do not provide a high level of the much-needed protein. You get the chance to receive live worms. It’s prudent that you we try to find time to prepare meals for our pets the same way we do for ourselves. What about catalpa worms for beardies? You can make an order for this vital reptile meal today, but there’s no guarantee that they will arrive when alive, especially when the temperature is extreme. Keeping bearded dragons brings an unmatched excitement to the pet parents, but the feeling can only last if you are feeding the pet well. Here is a list of some of the best worms that you can feed your pet lizard and with other additional food items other than worms. There are over 50 types of vegetables that can be consumed safely by your beardies. They are rich in nutrients and contain 9% protein, 3% Fat, and 85%… However, this is also one of the best foods that you can feed to your pet beardie. Because hornworms are long, sometimes you’ll have to cut them to allow your pets to feed with no difficulty.