You will know if this is for you. The greater purpose that you share with everyone is to keep Knowledge alive in the world and to bring something from your Ancient home into the world. It can be a little overwhelming when we begin to understand that our service to God extends way beyond church attendance and certain “do’s and don’ts” contained in the Bible. And when He created us with those abilities, His intention was that we do those activities in a way that honors Him and helps others to flourish. It is not to justify your errors. in Boulder, CO. What you are reading in this text is the transcription of the original voice of the Angelic Assembly as it spoke through the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers. As revealed to God’s Messenger It does this without destroying your mind; it does this without harming you in any way. Here you are asked to follow, to respond and to learn the great lessons in discernment, discretion, communication and affinity. The first week in the country, I was introduced to a special drink called “kuhmis,” which my buddies told me “will taste a lot like an American milkshake.” And truly, it was white and frothy just like a vanilla milkshake. How few in the world can identify this and claim it for themselves. This is not a process of adding to your former thinking and conclusions. The Assembly then delivers God’s Message through the Messenger, whereafter it is transcribed and made available to you and to all people. Can you imagine what a never-ending carnival of cultural wedgies the next two years were for me? To see the entire series click here. No part of this document may be reproduced by any means without the express written permission of The Society. However, it does call to you to respond and to open your mind and your heart to it so that you may reunite with the greater aspect of yourself that bonds you to all life everywhere. It is something that awaits you. Instead, come seeking education. It does not compensate for anything. All rights reserved. In the Westminster Shorter Catechism, the Presbyterians say that man's chief aim is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Your purpose begins with preparation. Updated Permissions for Using The Gospel Project for Kids. In entrepreneurship, we are tempted to build businesses unethically and in ways to only serve the “bottom line” instead of serving the community. In this remarkable process, the Voice of Revelation is speaking anew. Purpose is a process; it is not a definition. It is a great journey. After all, in order to establish important findings in stem cell research and to perfect human cloning, literally thousands of human embryos must be brought into existence for the sole purpose of experimenting on them, only to It is marvelous. We may image Him with our interactions in the arts, the sciences, politics, business, homemaking, scholarship, education, sports, and entertainment. How do you know that you are engaged in true preparation? This is not a passive approach. This blog series is based on the fall study of The Gospel Project for adults and students, focused on the doctrine of humanity, titled “Bearing God’s Image”. You would understand why the Wise remain hidden and why they must learn to do so even to become wise. For you and for your children these encounters will grow in scope and magnitude. It is not a vacation spot. It is not crushing; it is restoring. You do not have that vantage point yet. To have dominion means to rule, just as a king would rule. It gives you a new experience, an experience in present time without past associations. May you be the recipient of this gift of Revelation and may you be open to receive its unique Message for you and for your life. They feel that they have come here for a reason. You may feel quite insecure when you enter these states of unknowing, but in reality this is coming into the clear within yourself. Volume 2 > Greater Community Spirituality > Chapter 5, About the Process of Translation of the Revelation, The Worldwide Community of the New Message from God, Steps to Knowledge: Continuation Training, Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume 2, Anniversary of Receiving ‘Protecting the Message and the Messenger’. Here the mind can truly integrate itself in present time and escape the prison of its past associations. The mandate in Genesis to take dominion has no meaning apart from giving glory to God. Your real purpose and calling become apparent when all that hides and conceals them has fallen away, and what is left is what is real, and that becomes welcomed and embraced. How few will be prepared, but these few must be prepared, for that is their purpose. However, your calling is specific. But in all ways it refines you. That takes you towards realization and contribution. Something greater is calling them. It takes a different understanding and a different movement in life to carry you into a greater awareness. We are not supposed to pollute the streams and befoul the air and rip up the minerals in this earth just for personal gain. It does not need for you to bow down to it like a slave. Cultural oddities aside, one of the primary things I noted was the many ways in which human beings are the same, whether they are born in North America, Europe, or Asia. Your purpose now is to prepare. When we begin to understand that our whole person is created in God’s image (rather than merely one aspect of our person, such as our brain or our inner-spiritual self) we are liberated to live all of life as God’s representatives.