The Day of Vesak is an official holiday for the UN offices in many of the countries in South-East Asia. During the Vesak Festival week, the selling of alcohol and flesh is usually prohibited, with abattoirs also being closed. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein überdimensionales Bild, eigentlich erinnert es mehr an ein Karussell mit seinem riesigen Ausmaß von mehreren Metern in Breite und Höhe, hunderten blinkenden Birnen, bunter Bemalung und auch beweglichen Teilen. [32], In Singapore, Vesak Day was made a public holiday in 1955 after many public petitions, replacing Whit Monday. Nowadays, in Sri Lanka, Nepal, India, Bangladesh and Malaysia, Vesak/Buddha Purnima is celebrated on the day of the first full moon in May in the Gregorian calendar. Just before he died, he saw his faithful attendant Ananda, weeping. Haben Sie noch Fragen? 80-year old Gotama Buddha then announced His passing away, Parinibbana, would take place on the third watch of the night at Sal grove of Malla royal family, and it happened to be a Vesak Poya day. In Japan, Buddha's Birthday is observed on the same date but in the Gregorian calendar, i.e.
When candles became popular, colourful lanterns were made in different shapes and colours were used. In some countries, notably Sri Lanka, two days are set aside for the celebration of Vesak, and all liquor shops and slaughter houses are closed by government decree during the two days. Die Bemalung stellt meist Szenen aus dem Leben Buddhas dar. The event takes place on both sides of the Mekhong River border between Thailand and the Lao People's Democratic Republic, and sometimes teams from the neighbouring countries will compete against each other. In Bangladesh, it is celebrated in Chittagong, Dhaka, and other Buddhist regions in the country.
That is the Vesak Festival. Colombo experiences a massive influx of people from all parts of the country during this week. Ich will das hier nicht weiter ausführen, möchte aber nur daran erinnern, dass „auserwählte“ Völker oftmals einen Hang zur Intoleranz haben und damit Konflikte herausfordern. This is a sign of sharing joy and peace with people. Buddha selbst soll auf dem Sterbebett gesagt haben: „ In Lanka, Oh Herr der Götter, wird meine Religion ihre Heimstatt finden, deshalb schützt ihn (Vijaya) und seine Anhänger nach Kräften“. Neben den genannten Sachen werden aber auch Blumen und Blut gespendet. In the Bangla language, it is known as Buddho Purnima. Noch wertvoller ist die Weitergabe der Lehren des Buddhas. Buddhists are reminded to live in harmony with people of other faiths and to respect the beliefs of other people as the Buddha taught. The Buddha advised him not to weep, instead to understand the universal law that all compounded things (including even his own body) must disintegrate. Dieser Feiertag wird momentan nur für die Jahre 2015-2021 gelistet.
Darunter natürlich Verhaltenweisen, die Allgemeingut der Menschheit sein sollten wie nicht töten, verletzen, lügen, stehlen, fremdgehen usw.usf. Die Begründung: Ebenfalls an diesem Vesak-Vollmondtag soll der Stammvater der Singhalesen, der nordindische (arische) Prinz Vijaya mit 700 Gefolgsleuten auf der Insel gelandet sein und zwar genau an dem Tag, an dem Buddha starb. Some devout Buddhists will wear simple white clothing and spend the whole day in temples with renewed determination to observe the eight precepts. [33], Throughout the country, the date is also marked by a traditional festival called the Nyaungye-thun or "Bodhi tree water pouring festival" (ညောင်ရေသွန်းပွဲ [my]), whereby devotees visit pagodas or monasteries (kyaung) to pour scented water to sacred Bodhi Trees using clay pots,[34] to ensure the trees, which hold great significance in Buddhism, do not die during the peak of summer. Buddhist festival marking the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha, This article is about a Buddhist festival. [43] Groups of people from community organisations, businesses and government departments sing bhakti gee (Buddhist devotional songs). Viele sehen sie aber auch als eine Wurzel für nationalistisches, antitamilisches Gedankengut.