One hundred more bodies hit the ground. There’s still a lot of people we need to evacuate-!” "I... am the one fit to rule...", Alucard sneered. "Come now, beast. "Ngh... well played." Let the sunshine in! He then reached up to his mouth, and slowly pulled out the poker, blood still staining the red-hot iron, before tossing it aside. Savage proposa à Tor son aide en lui apprenant qu’il avait déjà affronté les kidnappeurs avant. Alhambra yelled in shock. Il lança un couteau en direction de Cisco, puis s’enfuit pendant que Flash rattrapait l’arme. "Sir Integra?". Après avoir prévenu Ramses II du danger que représentaient les météores, Hath-Set vit Chay-Ara et Khufu ensembles et devient consumé par la rage et la jalousie. What the hell is going on there?! I am Vandal Savage! The vampire raised his foot and smashed it into his back, cracking the wood further. :iconDevilsAdvocateplz:: So… should we be worried that the machine’s acting up again, or…? Despite your grand boasting, you were nothing but a pathetic scavenger, unable to truly attain the status of an apex predator." :iconProwerplz:: It’s probably just generating an alternate reality, like I said in Soul Calibur every timeline is canon. Celui-ci consacrera sa vie entière à l’étude de l’histoire de Khufu, Chay-Ara et Hath-Set avec l’espoir de venger un jour ses parents. Can't be worse than any of your others. Il rencontra Kendra, mais plutôt que de la tuer, il lui proposa une place à ses côtés en lui promettant de prolonger sa vie, mais elle refusa immédiatement. Cependant, le vaisseau fut abattu par les forces de choc de Savage, et Miranda et Jonas périrent. It whistled through the air, before severing Savage’s leg clean from his body! Alucard choked out as one bullet hit him straight in the throat, causing him to buckle slightly. What gives? The immortal casually looked over his shoulder. Il rencontra plus tard Gengis Khan, que Savage servit en tant que conseiller de confiance. Firestorm intervient et propulsa Savage à l’extérieur de son manoir. Prower: Very well then. Jérémie Covillault Il déduisit rapidement qu’il avait dû les tuer dans le futur, et lui fit part de sa hâte de les rencontrer. It's completely understandable. --- Get ready, folks! Il kidnappa les adolescents, à l’exception de la jeune fille de l’accident, avec l’aide du sheriff local, et les fit enfermer dans le couloir H. Il utilisera ses sujets pour leur injecter des doses concentrées de métal Nth du météore, pour tenter de recréer son immortalité. Rules: Winner by Death/Ko Random Encounter(For Nekron) Equipment: Spear of De Lorsqu’il s’apprêtait à tuer Kendra, la mémoire de Scythian émergea et il se retourna contre lui. Weight: But for now, he's been disposed of along with the rest of the corpses." En 2015, Vandal s’infiltra à bord d’un navire en direction de Central City dans sa quête de la dernière réincarnation de Chay-Ara. :iconTheNerdBotplz:: Alright, alright, I'm here! Pendant qu’ils gisaient tous deux au sol, des météores tombèrent du ciel et commencèrent à dévaster le royaume. "How sad. "Lok!" The immortal, with nothing but his own power, was prying the shadowy hound's mouth open! 1700 avant J.-C. Sticking out of his back was Vandal Savage's arm, Dracula's still-beating heart clenched within its iron grip. "Well, it's been fun, my friend. Alucard let out a grunt of pain as he hit the bloodstained cobblestone unceremoniously. "Well how about that...". En 1975, il fut attaqué par Firestorm et White Canary, puis eut le cou brisé par cette dernière. At the immortal's feet, two heads rolled to a stop. I don't think I'll be reading any more of these which is sad because I look at these deviant Art battles for inspiration. As Alucard was caught off guard, Vandal reached around to the back of his head, grabbing the other end of the poker, and violently twisted, turning the vampire's head around 180 degrees with a sickening crunch. Upon this sight, Savage felt an ancient emotion that he had not felt in eons. Taking aim, the caveman took several shots at Alucard, ripping up the vampire's flesh in a flurry of bullets. Am I to assume that Captain Nazi is more physically powerful than that bullet Alucard caught in his teeth, or any of the foes that have failed to hurt Alucard? Creating ice, Esdeath's body rocketed downwards, before smashing straight into the arena she had created, forming a small crater within its center. "Damnit woman, I thought you destroyed his heart! Dans la continuité temporelle actuelle, il fut cependant tué par Green Arrow et Flash pour les avoir sous-estimé, mais cela ne l’empêcha pas de revenir. However, while this happened, Savage used this chance to get in close, and smashed Alucard across the face with a powerful haymaker. Fou de rage, Savage les tua une seconde fois. I am Vandal Savage! Narrowing his eyes, the caveman locked eyes with the armored count, who stared at him coldly still. Despite this, Savage knew that with the army's sheer numbers advantage, he had barely made a dent into the forces of Dracula. Savage then retaliated with a jab to Alucard's face, but the vampire quickly caught on, and retaliated with a headbutt. Aux alentours de 1831, Savage rencontra les réincarnations de Khufu, désormais Hannibal Hawkes, et de Chay-Ara (Hawkgirl du XIXème), bien que son nom à l’époque soit inconnu.