Drawing an analogy with the concentric circles model, one could conclude that the liberal model is a more focused version as the other responsibilities (legal, ethical and philanthropic) have a very narrow scope. Now, the spectrum of commitment can be discretionary. This ultimately fulfils the social responsibility of an organization towards the community and the nation. Ethical responsibility, that is, the responsibilities and obligations that are not legally codified but should be performed for the greater good, comes as the third priority. When a certain CSR activity is chosen for a particular year’s curriculum, there are less chances of the same activity finding its place in that of the next year. Although several models have been proposed and modified since the 1950s, the question still remains whether an evolutionary line can be established as far as their practicability is concerned. The pyramid model, which is based on such totality of CSR, comprises four very different aspects (see Figure 1). Based on their performance and judged through certain specific parameters, corporates are ranked in terms of performance. Retrieved from http://www.csrquest.net/imagefiles/CSR%20Pyramid.jpg (accessed on 29 January 2015). New login is not successful because the max limit of logins for this user account has been reached. Some of the world’s most successful companies are committed to philanthropy for the betterment of the broader community. Now, not only the employee’s interest had to be taken care of, but also their families, that is, the immediate community. Governance and reporting initiatives do not form a primary agenda in this model. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to the moral and ethical efforts made by a company for the betterment of the society in some way. It is expected that if attributes such as penalties due to non-compliance of CSR regulations, prioritization of sector specific fields for CSR and public awareness are added, then the model will further improve the performance on the financial as well as sustainable front. It was based on three parameters: social obligation, social responsibility and social responsiveness. The model, nonetheless, needs to be studied as it has inspired the 3C-SR model. On the local front, businesses can help out by sponsoring food drives, soup kitchens, and emergency campaigns. What better way to understand this than CSR? The governance index has also been determined as moderate, because the legal and ethical responsibilities would force the corporate to abide by the rules set forth but reporting initiatives would be sidelined as it has no mention in it. These are depicted in the following diagram: It is the primary responsibility of every business to see that the owners or shareholders get a fair rate of dividend or fair return on capital invested. This improved the model manifold in various dimensions. Having stepped into an era of corporate citizenship, it becomes a necessary mandate to understand the different aspects of CSR through the models that have been propounded by business scholars over the years and compare their constructs. Consumer interests are generally expected to be taken care of in a competitive market through forces of demand and supply. However, neither of the above two classes is feasible as both earning profit without any legal obligation and doing ethical work without any profit are not acceptable. The social and governance indices are high in the 3C-SR model due to the commitments it shows towards the stakeholders. In a way, corporate social responsibility can be seen as a public relations effort. However, employee welfare cannot be viewed within the narrow limits of legal requirement. Due to such anomalies, it becomes difficult to find an example of any practical implementation of this model. Usually, companies that apply this strategy are involved in the development and production of products and services that necessitate compliance throughout the manufacturing process. However, the governance index has been determined to be high, because no stakeholder would want to be associated with an organization which does not abide by the rules, regulations or the international policies. The reason for this is that in such countries it is the implementation that matters and, thus, reporting, attracting limelight and creating a niche become a priority.