Are going to wait until the Yomim Naroim! we need yeshiva, but to jump start the bachrum for a good Elul zman, we need to press the reset button and get them to camp and have their well deserved summer and BezH Elul would start on right foot. my son told me he learned more with his rebbe being out of the classroom than in We are disappointed with Agudah as they always seem to take strong stands after the fact. Devastated is not when one cant go to camp for one summer. what ever he said about pesach time- no minyanim, etc…we said fine governor-were a listening people. Follow the news, just because in Brooklyn and Lakewood the numbers are down corona is very much still out there so how can you all of a sudden be so convinced that camps will be fine. Sadly, his decisions regarding overnight summer camps and religious practices fall far short of this ideal. But his mantra has been to follow the data, follow the science, and follow the law. You have entered an incorrect email address! Agudath Israel then brought this proposal to the Governor’s office and intensively advocated for this cause. Jews don’t count anymore in New York. Wannabe chefs, veterinarians or Olympic athletes are so 2015 – this summer the upper 0.01% send their 9 … but not devastating. Was this statement also written with the participation of all the chavrei moetzes as was the 6 page guidlines for reopening shuls. As opposed to horse racing, L’Moshul. This content, and any other content on TLS, may not be republished or reproduced without prior permission from TLS. Camps have been around for a long time and as time goes on they are becoming more and more conscious of their role as summer Mosdos Hachinuch. lets just keep licking his boots till were really in a pickle. Sure, that would be a great kiddush hashem. The agudah should band up with other religious organizations, including catholic and Muslim ones, and sue the brains out of the state if new York, and nyc, its governor and mayor should be sued for discrimination, antisemitic executive orders and so on for there have been numerous abuses of power and attack’s on the constitution, so gather the evidence and go to court, Advice: If there is one person in this country who could get this done – it’s the legendary R” Moshe Sherer ZTL. Further, among the nearly 8 million COVID-19 cases worldwide there have been few cases, and even fewer serious cases, among children. For the last 11 years, thousands of children and teens ages 7-18 from around the world travel to Israel to be a part of the Israeli summer camp experience every summer. Devastated is when families are torn apart by illness, divorce or emotional problems. Photo Gallery. BIG IDEA Summer Camp In Israel - Summer 2020 Create, Grow And Make Awesome Friends In Israel This Summer!  is something wrong with _That_, Sincerely The govern is a moron. be mochel camps for one season and focus on yeshivas!! To tell a collection of hooligans and looters to socially distance us a waste of time. Agudath Israel of America expresses its deep disappointment in New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and his administration for shuttering overnight camps for tens of thousands of children. movement of the OU, Learn About Our Summer Options for Public-School Students, © 2020 NCSY Summer | All Rights Reserved |, {{image.node.edge_liked_by.count}} Likes. what kind of a life if those who want to learn do NOT have where to go to learn?? Find Your Perfect Summer Camp in 2021 Welcome to — the premier web-location for parents and family members to research, find and book the very best summer camps. We have been home for four months learning over the phone, it was very hard for many of us but what kept us going was knowing that we will have a great summer. In an effort to minimize risk of infection in a summer camp setting, Agudath Israel and the Association of Jewish Camp Operators (AJCO) had proactively commissioned leading infectious disease doctors around the country to create rigorous, safe camping protocols for the COVID-19 era. And it is no secret that mass protests of far greater than 150 people have been implicitly allowed. excellent point branovicher, there will be many many boys going themselves on road trips now, which will also be a huge saka with the televisions in the hotel rooms, we are in a very bad situation! On behalf of all of us at NCSY Summer, thank you for your support of NCSY Summer programming. Donate. Date & Rates Summer 2020. Forms & Calendars. The news, released in a late Friday news dump in the form of a statement by State Health Commissioner Howard Zucker, will be a blow to the physical, socioemotional, and psychological well-being of children who have already endured forced quarantine for nearly three months, as well as their religious development. With all due respect to Yeshivas First, I would like to make you aware that many camps today are learning camps which is the perfect setting for those of youth who are motivated to spend the summertime learning. Summer Camp 2020 . Additionally you make it seem like everyone for centuries had sleepaway camp and it’s the only way to be Jewish. Virtual Camp Summer 2020. In contrast, horse racing has no fixed upper limit on the number allowed to participate, up to 50% of maximum room capacity. June 12, 2020 7:39 pm. Summer Camp for Rich Kids: Creating Israel's Next Generation of Startups . Copying or reproducing our content is both against the law and against Halacha. Summer Camps Shuttered for 2020: Statement by Agudath Israel, Statement from Governor Murphy on New Jersey Travel Advisory Guidance, Notices from the Lakewood Board of Education, VIDEO: Authorities investigating a suspicious item near Lakewood Police Headquarters [UPDATED], A Response to the ‘Machaah’ against the 2020 Virtual Agudah Convention, Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim to host Convalescent Plasma Drive in Lakewood; Register Here, Wednesday: CHEMED offering FREE Tdap Shots for Pregnant Women, Holiday Online Shopping Scams – Don’t Be a Victim | Ron Benvenisti. Why not just send to an out-of-state overnight camp? In contrast, horse racing has no fixed upper limit on the number allowed to participate, up to 50% of maximum room capacity. We should organize a minyan at his Kever to daven for the children of Klal Yisroel and IYH in his great Zchus and efforts, this Gizairo will be removed, That small business should  have been allowed to open especially when the bigger massive chain competitors were allowed  Fair  enough i would like to think that our kids are a liitle stronger in their yittishkeit than one poster suggested thet they will go off the derech because of 7/11. And it is no secret that mass protests of far greater than 150 people have been implicitly allowed. It has nothing to do with any coroney sickness and everything to do with eradicating the invisible enemy roaming the streets knowing they’re being pursued and are out to retaliate. This is not the only troubling use of Governor Cuomo’s executive authority, and we have noted this before. I thought they would use kid gloves because they constantly need favors from the local pols but here they pulled no punches and said it like it is. 2.) From a conservative Winter Camp. yes! welcome to real life. Money for Jewish interests will be at risk because of this situation.