And I think that acetic acid cannot dissolve it directly. Explain the following observations : Answer: (ii) 2-Methylpropan-2-ol from ethylmagnesium chloride Though I know 5% phenol solution means 5 g phenol crystal for 100 mL distilled water, but, I am concerned about melting of phenolic crystal in water using heat. (ii) Due to strong – R and -1 effect of the – NO2 group, electron density in the – OH bond decreases and hence the loss of a proton becomes easier. I am facing challenges growing up Adherent HEK293 cells, any suggestions please? Due to this phenol is more acidic than … Delhi 2012) The two protocols which I have found: 1. post 24 hour of treatment to incubate 5uM of DCFDA by diluting from stock in serum free phenol red media for an hour, take that out, put PBS and then read immediately in plate reader. How to dissolve phenol crystals in glacial acetic acid? The link below will help to prepare your phenol. Question 53. degrad. After mixing and wating about 40 min, I could not see phenol phase. Question 55. I also haven't decided on the geometry of the reactor I will work with, flat or tube. Delhi 2013) Question 67. (i) Propene to propan-2-ol If anyone has a protocol for this, I kindly ask if you´d mind sharing it. If I prepare a fresh vial (with the same mixture) and run it immediately, the area jumps back to the original. Below, there are some papers which may help you. Answer: Try a lower MeOH ratio - e.g. (i) Propene to Propan-2-ol Answer: So for this, I need to do DFT calculations. How can extract RNA from plasma by trizol? (i) Propene → Propan-2-ol Hello everyone, good day! Question 60. In any case, you can use CTAB extraction. o-nitrophenol is more volatile than p-nitrophenol due to intramolecular hydrogen bonding. (ii) Williamsons synthesis of an ether : The reaction involves the nucleophilic substitution of the halide ion from the alkyl halide by the alkoxide ion by SN2 mechanism. But after incubated at 37C (5% CO2), the color revert back to red. (i) Protonation of alkene to form carbocation by electrophilic attack of H3O+. If nontoxic concentration is proven, there is no need to normalise via protein level assay. (ii) 2-Methylpropene from 2-methylpropanol? So, I was unable to interpret my results yet. (ii) Friedel-Craft’s acetylation of anisole : Question 40. It is well known that Phenols are not Alchohol. How i can get rid of phenolic contamination (low 260/230 ratio) in RNA extraction from blood by using Gene All TRIZOL (Ribo LS)?? This is inspired by a recent popular question on Cooking. secondary products such as Alkaloids; phenol and others defense from climate effects such as Temperature, toxins and pollutants? It is one of the difficult to treat conditions. Let's assume that I take some apples, cut them up, and place them in a hermetically sealed container. Answer: CH2 = CH2 + HzO \(\stackrel{\mathrm{H}^{+}}{\longrightarrow} \)CH3—CH,—OH (Comptt. Observe the change in colour, if it changes to red then phenolic group may be present. (All India 2010) How can I improve the conductivity of the tin oxide? I will elaborate on Ruths answer by stating the following: It is context dependent: That context being kit or manual extraction, If you are using a kit your lysis buffer will be detergent and something called GITC (guanidium salt) designed to denature proteins and thus inactivate nucleases, Such buffers are not organic and thus do not require chlorofrom partition: The fucntion of chlorform is to remove residual phenol and also lipids in the case of larger tissue extractions, If however, you are performing a manual extraction, whether phenol or phenol chloroform or Trizol (in effect phenol chloroform +GITC) you do require chlorform (to remove the phenol based lysis reagent), In simple terms if you lysis buffer smells organic include an extra chlorform extraction step, If it does not then you can lyse and apply directly to column or extraction resin, In this case the column based or free resin will remove protein and salts are then washed away, In thge ase of manual extraction with phenol based solvents, protein is removed by the lysis reagent and then this lysis regent+ protein is then partitioned into chloroform (residual salts are removed by ppt and 70% ethanol wash in this instance), I hope the above is enough to make an informed choice. If so is there documentary or graphical evidence (e.g. Creating formaldehyde free phenolic resin systems especially for indoor application is a challenging research question. Is it possible to use Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol (25:24:1) to extract genomic DNA? So you have acid and low alkaline formation in your tubes. Explain the following giving one example for each : I did as following: liquefy crystal phenol at 60oC, then add 100ml of liquefied phenol to beaker and followed by adding equal volume of DEPC-treated water, and mixed it by stir-bar. I am working on the removal of phenol from waste water and want to analyse its concentration colorimetrically in visible region using spectro-vis.