The film follows an intergalactic threat named Steppenwolf (voiced by Ciaran Hinds) whose objective is to find three cubes called Mother Boxes that will turn the Earth into his home world. Several heroes groan in pain, and Batman sports some pretty bad bruises on his briefly exposed midsection. Shirtless shots of various male characters; a couple of scenes of a reunited couple kissing and embracing. During a melee, The Flash finds himself on top of Wonder Woman, but swiftly gets up before she realizes he was even on her. Only five movies in and DC (along with Warner Bros.) felt it would be a shrewd decision to whack out their superhero team-up flick, hmmm. Justice League could’ve been better. How Supes was so angsty in Man of Steel (and that he committed a definite Superman no-no in killing a guy). In a year filled with top-flight superhero movies, DC’s answer to Marvel’s Avengers barely gets off the ground. He’s depicted in salvific terms, and we hear plenty of references of how Superman, by his example, helped make people better and gave them hope. Justice League feels very much like your typical superhero movie in terms of its content, and maybe even a half-step better: Lots of violence but not much blood. Batman—who spent most of his last movie trying to kill Superman—has now come to better appreciate his many virtues: honesty, decency, morality and, most importantly, the example he set. One of my main complaints about Batman v. Superman is that there were no real breaks from the constant action and darkness of characters that were developed so many years ago. Alas, “Darkness, the truest darkness, is not the absence of light…” No, Wonder Woman, the truest darkness is the absence of humor. Cyborg and the Flash dig the body up: “Do you get a sense that we’re doing something horribly wrong and macabre here?” Flash wonders. We all knew he was going to come back in this film after being dispatched in Suicide Squad. His vices include James Bond films, Mountain Dew and terrible B-grade movies. Prime Video has you covered this holiday season with movies for the family. All-star superhero adventure is uneven but entertaining. Still, it should be noted that Superman always—and especially in director Zack Snyder’s DC Extended Universe movies—embodies a certain Christlike quality, and the fact that he was raised from the dead doesn’t exactly diminish that symbolic connection. Thank you for your support. The movie looks awful, the colour palette is terrible, and it all looks the same. It's entertaining, fun and will make you laugh a bit. This 10-digit number is your confirmation number. Enter our team of heroes, the Justice League. Cruel and Unusual, Everything You Need to Know About the Snyder Cut of, With Henry Cavill (Maybe) Out, Five Ways to Save The DC Extended Universe, Character Face-Off: The Best Version of 15 Mega Popular Movie and TV Characters, November 19, 2017 They’ll do whatever they can to save them, even if it means exposing themselves to danger. (Note: Be sure to watch the entire end credits of Justice League, because there are two extra scenes that set up the sequel.). We track Gal's journey from beauty queen to law student to movie star and beyond. We do see several Amazon warriors (living on Wonder Woman’s all-female island home) fall to a Steppenwolf invasion; they sacrifice themselves to try to prevent one of the mysterious cubes from falling into his hands. This is a job for Superman, surely. Plot unknown. This may not be the universal win DC wanted after the studio's Wonder Woman high, but there's a lot of potential for the sequel, as well as individual Justice League movies. We hadn't had any stand alone movies for Flash, Cyborg or Aquaman up to this point, something that just felt totally wrong. With Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Gal Gadot. But it's not as dark, and there's far less romance -- minus comments about Wonder Woman's attractiveness, a few shots of shirtless men, and a couple of kisses. Overruling Wonder Woman, Batman decides to use one of the mysterious cubes to raise Superman from the dead. Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his new-found ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. Floats and performances are still happening! When he takes off his batsuit the shirt he has on underneath also has a muscle structure built into it. Justice League corrects some of those missteps. The Amazonian queen walks over to mourn her. I'm not even sure it's an actual movie. Justice League feels very much like your typical superhero movie in terms of its content, and maybe even a half-step better: Lots of violence but not much blood. The plus is that when Superman does work out his issues, Cavill plays the character more like we are used to instead of the brooding character that was really cutting into Batman's psyche territory. Justice League manages to get some laughs, breaking up the seriousness and tension of the film, mainly with Miller's timid portrayal of The Flash, and the general bad assery of Momoa's Aquaman. Do you consider any of the Justice League members role models? In Gotham City, Batman (Ben Affleck) notices that flying alien creatures that feed on fear keep popping up. Lots of large-scale superhero-movie violence: huge explosions, widespread destruction, battle sequences. Among them is the DC Extended Universe’s continuing pivot toward showcasing superheroes who act, y’know, heroically. “He said you were the thirstiest young woman he’d ever met.” So goes the one and only functional joke in the latest installment of the DC cinematic universe, Justice League. The movie's biggest message is about the importance of team building and working with others for the greater good. Flashy, exciting superhero adventure for the whole family, 5 Tips to Make Family Movie Night a Success.