A hydrohalogenation reaction is the electrophilic addition of hydrohalic acids like hydrogen chloride or hydrogen bromide to alkenes to yield the corresponding haloalkanes. Halogenation of alkenes is an example of an anti-addition (stereospecific). room temperature). This Hydrogen bromide can also be added to an alkene in an anti‐Markovnikov fashion. Thus whether substituents are added to the same side … Hydrohalogenation, an electrophilic alkene addition reaction, is highly useful as a precursor reaction in multi-step organic chemistry synthesis.Understanding the Molecules:H-X molecules such as H-I, H-Br and H-Cl are highly polar molecules. Once formed, the bromonium ion is susceptible to attack by two nucleophiles—chloride ion and bromide ion—and, in fact, a mixture of two products (both produced by anti attack) is formed. The classical example of this is bromination (any halogenation) of alkenes. Generally, you’re not going to have much stereoselectivity in this reaction, you’ll form a 50/50 mixture of two enantiomers. The halogen is highly electronegative and will ‘hog’ the electrons between itself and hydrogen. This means that both halogen atoms will be adding to the carbons of the double bond in a trans fashion. Depending on the substrate double bond, addition can have different effects on the molecule. https://www.khanacademy.org/.../alkene-reactions-tutorial/v/hydrohalogenation For this to result, the reaction must proceed by a noncarbocation intermediate; thus in the presence of peroxide, the reaction proceeds via a free‐radical mechanism, … possible stereochemistry of addition where both electrophile and nucleophile bond to the same side of the plane of the double-bonded carbon atoms of an alkene After addition to a straight-chain alkene such as C 2 H 4, the resulting alkane will rapidly and freely rotate around its single sigma bond under normal conditions (i.e. In anti‐Markovnikov additions, the hydrogen atom of the hydrogen halide adds to the carbon of the double bond that is bonded to fewer hydrogen atoms. Halogens can act as electrophiles to which can be attacked by a pi bond from an alkene.