W3C has listed 16 basic color names that will validate with an HTML validator but there are over 200 different color names supported by major browsers. Download. HTML.am aims primarily at beginners, but may also be useful to web professionals. Here is the list of 216 colors which are supposed to be safest and computer independent colors. Color decimal or percentage values − This value is specified using the rgb( ) property. Type="Radio" Value="?" Der Framename ist für später wichtig, da Sie dann angeben müssen wo die Seite durch entsprechende Links angezeigt werden soll. Each hexadecimal code will be preceded by a pound or hash sign #. Using CSS3, you can specify text color using an RGBA value. Value="? , Das Grundgerüst für die Verwendung von Frames sieht hingegen so aus: AliceBlue. Selecting a color from these charts will display a color scheme combination that includes your color as the main background color. Colors are very important to give a good look and feel to your website. ">, . ">, Inhalte eines Formulars per E-Mail versenden, Optionsfeld, eins kann gewählt werden (Name steht vor, Value hinter dem Feld). This color value is specified using the rgb( ) property. Today HTML5 is the standard version and it's supported by all modern web browsers. You can specify text color by using the hexadecimal value. When you open the pdf, it will offer to treat each page as a layer. Now we will see these coloring schemes one by one. The first two digits(RR) represent a red value, the next two are a green value(GG), and the last are the blue value(BB). Dieses Beispiel ist für drei Frames. Note that at the time of writing, CSS3 is still in draft status and browser support for the RGBA method of specifying color is limited. alink − sets a color for active links or selected links. Names and hex codes of the 256 RGB (web safe) Colours Hex Code Listing (Black to white) pg2 Name of Colour Colour Hex Code Dark khaki #BDB76B Silver #C0C0C0 Medium violet red #C71585 Indian red #CD5C5C Peru #CD853F Chocolate #D2691E Tan #D2B48C Light … Eins links, eins rechts und eins unten! HTML.am was created in order to provide HTML tools, codes, tutorials, and other resources to help webmasters create and maintain their HTML documents. Aqua 00FFFF Black 000000 Blue 0000FF Fuchsia FF00FF Gray 808080 Green 008000 Lime 00FF00 Maroon 800000 Navy 000080 Olive 808000 Purple 800080 Red FF0000 Silver C0C0C0 White FFFFFF Teal 008080 Yellow FFFF00 If the color does NOT appear to be correct, try … The GIMP can easily tell you the RGB or CMYK values of any color in a pdf. Farben; Farbe Name Farbwert Farbe Name Farbwert Farbe Name Farbwert Farbe Name Farbwert; rot: Red "#FF0000" lila: Purple "#800080" hellgrün: Lime "#00FF00" helles grün Type="Text" Size="?" HTML Color Code Chart for PDF.