Your email address will not be published. German Grammar Test; Future Tense Weather; The Future Tense; Tagged with: Future Tense If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it! You start by using the German equivalent of the word ‘would, which varies depending on the person doing the action. (informal & singular you). Name * Email * Website. Click 'n read more . The infinitive is the unaltered version of the verb that usually ends in ‘en’. Examples of conditional tense sentences in German are as follows: One important point to note is that the default position for the infinitive (i.e. er/sie/es wird + infinitive = He/She/It will…. Future Tense. You can also check out my Facebook Page or My Twitter Page. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. German future tense. Feel free to contact me about this or visit my Foreign Language Tuition page by clicking here. The future tense is when you say ‘will’ in English and the conditional tense ‘would’. er/sie/es würde + infinitive = He/She/It would…. So, there are two kinds of future tense in German. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. The future tense is formed from the present tense of werden and the infinitive of the main verb. Other options available. Free Email Course. Luckily, their form and use are really different. Today we are going to be looking at two German tenses, namely the future and conditional tenses in German. As other German tenses, you can also compare it directly to its equivalent in English, the future tense. You always follow this verb, when forming the future tense, with the infinitive form of the verb. - 43 Miller Drive, Fareham, Hampshire PO16 7LY - 01329 234648, du wirst + infinitive = You will…. If you have any questions feel free to contact me (link to contact page on menu above). We can translate the future tense with the English tenses: simple present or future with will or going to. You cannot use the verb gehen (to go) followed by an infinitive. verb usually ending in ‘en’ e.g. Once you learn the different conjugations of werden, you have mastered the German future tense. (formal you), du wirst lesen = You will read (informal & singular you), ihr werdet sehen = You will see (informal & plural you), Sie werden essen = You will eat (formal you), du würdest + infinitive = You would…. They are as follows: Just like the future tense, the German word for ‘would’ is followed by the infinitive. German Future Tense; German Future Perfect Tense Keep it up – you can do it! (informal & plural you), sie würden + infinitive = You would…. You start by using the German equivalent of the word ‘will’, which in German varies depending on the person doing the action. ‘machen’ = ‘to make’) with these tenses is the end of the sentence. This means that any other information, generally, goes in the middle of the sentence. Of course it is a future tense, but a lot of the time when Germans talk about the future, they also use the present tense. Just use the present tense forms of werden and put the infinitive to the end of the sentence. Other options available. Key points. ich werde + infinitive = … Well, you might have noticed that I’m always about German future tenses in plural. Examples of this are as follows: There are exceptions to the word order above, which I would be happy to discuss over email or during tuition, but the above word order is used for straightforward sentences. Introduction. (Heute abend gehe ich ins Kino. Some examples using the future tense are: Now let’s look at the conditional tense.