She helps her clients understand their financial numbers and how they impact the overall health of their business. Der Gender Pay Gap wird auf Basis der nationalen Verdienst­struktur­erhebungen ermittelt. Legal Statement. The 2019 study, which offers new gender pay gap data on Canada, the Netherlands and Singapore, is based on more than half a million salary reports shared on Glassdoor by employees over the past three years, and includes pay data down to specific job title and industry. Der Ver­dienst­ab­stand, auch Gender Pay Gap genannt, liegt seit Jahren unver­än­dert bei 21 Prozent, wie die Grafik von Sta­tista zeigt. of the pay gap remains unexplained. And statistics that compare women to men in similar circumstances also show a gender pay gap, albeit not always as large. It's one of every 20 dollars being lost. It only takes a second – see who’s viewing your profile and monitor your reputation. Equal Pay Day marks the date women need to work into 2019 to earn what men were paid in the previous year. What is the GSA, and what role does it play in the transition? The good news is that awareness of the gender pay gap is rising. Copyright © 2008–2020, Glassdoor. +49 (0) 611 / 75 28 77, Statistisches Bundesamt Verdienststrukturerhebung, vierteljährliche Verdiensterhebung First published on March 27, 2019 / 12:01 AM. Thanks for finding us! Detaillierte Informationen erhalten Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung. They're also more likely than women to plan to ask for a pay raise in the next 12 months, Glassdoor found in a survey. But women and men also cite different reasons for the gap: Although the “motherhood penalty” is today considered less of a reason for the gender pay gap than it was in 2017 (40 percent), freelancing moms still feel the pressure. Unter den Männern betrug dieser Anteil nur 9 %. This is due to things we can’t observe in our data such as: Given this, there are three areas to consider to help close gender pay gaps everywhere –. Nach wie vor fällt der unbereinigte Gender Pay Gap in Ostdeutschland viel geringer aus als in Westdeutschland. 71 percent of women have completed their bachelor or graduate degree, compared to 54 percent of men. This stark gap exists despite the fact that female freelancers have obtained more education than their male counterparts. Allgemeine Hinweise zur Berechnungsweise des Gender Pay Gap lassen sich hier abrufen. As Glassdoor economists discovered, we are decades away from reaching pay equality — the optimistic estimate is 2035, however, conservative estimates lean towards the year 2070 for when the gender pay gap would close in the US if recent trends continue. Solopreneurs Deserve a Break Too. Der unbereinigte Gender Pay Gap (GPG) wird berechnet für alle NACE-Grup­pen mit Aus­nah­me der Landwirtschaft, Fischerei, öffentliche Ver­wal­tung, private Haushalte und ex­terri­to­riale Organisationen in Be­trie­ben mit min­des­tens 10 Beschäftigten. More education leads to higher earnings but the gender pay gap is wider among men and women with a bachelor’s degree than among those without. Gap average, we have seen a slight increase in our Gender Pay gap in 2019. Die Daten für die Jahre zwischen den Erhebungen werden jeweils mit nationalen Quellen fortgeschätzt. Dominique Broadway is an award-winning Personal Finance Coach, Speaker, Finance Expert and the Founder of Finances Demystified & The Social Money Tour. Home > HoneyBook > 2019 Gender Pay Gap Report. This study shows the gender pay is an undeniable fact in the labor market, which we hope motivates more women to use Glassdoor, and be tough negotiators for the salary they deserve. Food organisation Kraft Heinz Company has reported an overall mean gender pay gap of -6.5% for average hourly pay as at April 2019, down from -7.5% the previous year.. Copyright © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. But the so-called gender pay gap -- the disparity between what women are paid at work compared with men's earnings -- remains stubbornly large, and even impacts the mostly highly educated women in America. But by the time women are in their mid-50s to early 60s, the gap stands at 12.3 percent. Statistisches Bundesamt Demnach sind rund drei Viertel des Verdienstunterschieds zwischen Männern und Frauen strukturbedingt – also unter anderem darauf zurückzuführen, dass Frauen häufiger in Branchen und Berufen arbeiten, in denen schlechter bezahlt wird, und sie seltener Führungspositionen erreichen. WIESBADEN – Frauen haben im Jahr 2019 in Deutschland 20 % weniger verdient als Männer. Though a promising sign, it should not detract from the larger fact that significant pay gaps remain around the world, even after controlling for workplace and job factors,” said Glassdoor Chief Economist Dr. Andrew Chamberlain. Der bereinigte Gender Pay Gap vergleicht Männer und Frauen mit gleicher Qualifikation, Tätigkeit und Erwerbsbiografie. Women ages 18 to 24 earn 1.4 percent less than men, after adjusting for education, occupation and other factors. Over 50 million Americans facing hunger in 2020, group says, Pennsylvania certifies election results, confirming Biden victory, Trump plan would cut food stamps to more than 8,000 seniors, Nationwide coronavirus surge pushes hospitals to the edge, Azar says vaccine distribution could begin within weeks, Biden introduces members of national security, foreign policy teams, How this presidential transition compares to past transfers of power, GSA tells Biden team it can begin formal transition process. At EU level, the European Commission prioritised "reducing the gender pay, earnings and pension gaps and thus fighting poverty among women" as one of the key areas in the framework of the Strategic engagement for gender equality 2016-2019. Check out our Talent Solutions Blog. HoneyBook analyzed 345,675 invoices from October 2018 – October 2019 to understand if the gender pay gap still exists and how it has evolved over the past two years. The goal of this study is to encourage dialogue about gender pay differences. So where can we invest to close the gender pay gap for good? Get 50% off your first year of HoneyBook here: Angaben zum unbereinigten Gender Pay Gap in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten bis zum Berichtsjahr 2018 finden Sie in der Eurostat Datenbank abrufbar. If your current employer won’t pay you what you deserve, know that there are plenty of other companies out there that will — it’s just a matter of finding the right one. Die auf dieser Website verwendeten Cookies dienen ausschließlich der technischen Bereitstellung und Optimierung des Webangebotes. Some of the discrepancy "surely is bias, because every year there are lawsuits about unfair pay by employers," said Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist at Glassdoor. Untersuchungen der ursächlichen Faktoren des Gender Pay Gap sind alle vier Jahre auf Basis der Verdienststrukturerhebung möglich. The mean, full-time, hourly gender pay gap also dropped from 13.1% in 2019 to 11.5% in 2020. Wie das Statistische Bundesamt (Destatis) anlässlich des Equal Pay Day am 18. Auch arbeiten sie häufiger als Männer in Teilzeit und in Minijobs und verdienen deshalb im Durchschnitt pro Stunde weniger. Some kinds of work have large gender pay gaps even after adjusting for occupation, experience and education. When do states certify their election results? She works with passionate and hardworking single women who need help creating clear financial goals so that they can save more, get out of debt, and stress less about money. Frauen verdienten im vergangenen Jahr durchschnittlich 17,09 Euro brutto pro Stunde, während es bei männlichen Erwerbstätigen 21,60 Euro waren. Bei dieser Datengrundlage handelt es sich um eine in vierjährigen Abständen durchgeführte Erhebung. We're on a mission to empower the creative economy to rise together doing what they love.  Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis) | 2020. Wie das Statistische Bundesamt (Destatis) anlässlich des Equal Pay Day am 17. Glassdoor has a number of free resources for employees to use when negotiating pay, including our free salary calculator and negotiating guides. / MoneyWatch. HoneyBook has long been a leader in making business education accessible. Auf dieser Website werden Nutzungsdaten nur im notwendigen, zweckgebundenen Maß verarbeitet. Women today earn 79 cents for every $1 men earn, according to separate studies from PayScale and Glassdoor, which analyzed salary data people provided to the companies. Der Gender Pay Gap ist die Differenz des durchschnittlichen Brut­to­stun­den­ver­dienstes (ohne Sonderzahlungen) der Frauen und Männer im Verhältnis zum Brutto­stun­den­ver­dienst der Männer. The primary cause boils down to different choices in occupations, Glassdoor noted. "What happens is pay gaps can be compound as people carry over those pay gaps from job to job," he said. Beschreibung/Definition Prozentualer Unterschied im durchschnittlichen Brut­to­stun­den­ver­dienst von Frauen und Männern, bezogen auf den durchschnittlichen Brut­to­stun­den­ver­dienst von Män­nern. Nach Angaben der Arbeitskräfteerhebung war im Jahr 2018 in Deutschland fast jede zweite erwerbstätige Frau (47 %) im Alter von 20 bis 64 Jahren in Teilzeit tätig. The report, Progress on the Gender Pay Gap: 2019, reveals that although significant pay gaps remain between men and women, the pay gap has narrowed slightly in the U.S., UK, France and Australia, showing improvement since Glassdoor’s 2016 study.