You will be required to have a fundamental knowledge of programming and be required to provide your own code. I feel like my teenage daughter at an Urban Outfitters sale! It you get a breakout board and a used flir one, tear it apart you can use the sensor from it. Does anyone know if this breakout board generates 3.3, or 5V output for its SPI and I2C interfaces? You also mention that a fix was forthcoming (time 2:48-3:20). verified purchaser. Although the seek is higher resolution it seems to have less frequency resolution, so it is harder to measure/see differences in temperature. Drove me nuts for an hour trying to figure out what the problem was. You would need a shutter if the sensor is stationary, or you want to measure absolute temperature. by Member #685141 It's more than I want to spend (correction: more than I can get away with spending), but I could scrape up the cash to build a FLIR system for myself. I am trying to use this with an arduino Due. So close to $200. The camera is very easy to interface and use. I'm wondering if this device would work well 400ft up in the sky pointing down. Let me give you the tour…. by Member #218527 The Lepton® LWIR module included in each FLiR Dev Kit acts as a sort of camera and packs a resolution of 80 × 60 pixels into a camera body that is smaller than a dime and captures infrared radiation input in its nominal response wavelength band (from 8 to 14 microns) and outputs a uniform thermal image. They sold their entire stock at $349 so apparently the price isn't so out of line. Sure it mentions that it uses the "Lepton core", but there could be several sensors with the same name. I returned the unit. It isn't something that flir really wants people to know. If flir were to offer the E-series cams with 4 different sensors, they would need to engineer 4 separate products, and they would need 4 separate manufacturing processes. verified purchaser, HI OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!! I want to put this on and RoV to chase roof rats in my attic - may be for Christmas. I don't know if this will improve it, since a very small (thin !) verified purchaser. With this kit you will be able to be able to bring FLiR’s thermal imaging reliability and power to your Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or any ARM based development tool all in an easy to access breadboard friendly package. A horizontal black line appears across the image. Personally, I would buy this to give a robot some thermal imagining or to have full control over the data I am given. Kansukee 3. The FLiR dev kit uses the same sensor as the FLiR One (the Lepton core) but it does NOT use the same sensor as the FLiR E4. Digi-Key sells all three lepton models for 175$ and 183$. Any and all help, past experiences, and advice is much appreciated. lots of good links on my site Unlike a previous reviewer, I would have dropped it a star or three if they had hooked this up with has Raspbery Pi Hat. It's because the imager is kept at such low temperatures that the scan mirror has to be there. If someone had a tutorial about how to setup CodeBlocks to compile de code it would be wonderful. :-), ;(. Now onto the software configuration! Even though I like the Pi, I doubt I'd have bought thi/ thinking it's only an expensive pi camera. Note: This kit comes in two separate parts and will need to be assembled once received. It should be able to be hidden anywhere on a robot. So there's a version of this on amazon here, and I was wondering if it's equivalent to the one seen here, considering its drastic price change... My source is my flir E4 with 320x240 resolution. Make sure that the Pi has an Internet connection, and run the following command to install the QT dev tools: I think I broke my breakout board and would like to get a new one, but all the bob's I can find are for Lepton 2.x and 3.x and i suspect they are not compatible. It should be noted that there is no level shifting on this breakout board and needs signals lower than what the Pi or Arduino puts out. replied on August 11, 2017: Sorry to hear about the issues with the Lepton module kit. Or simply "a tenth of the cost". Is it already scaled from hottest to coldest? So I should not have posted. Now I see this! "seems highly unlikely" - yeah, it does, until you spend a minute in deep thought about it. about 5 years ago The sensitivity is given but no data on the accuracy. I followed the steps properly and I get the red block screen but when I pop out the camera module and put it back in I dont see the image, the red block stays. verified purchaser. verified purchaser. If so, then one experiment would be to pry off the lens and substitute it for a $100 version (often seen on eBay, I have a couple of those.) This should be added to the pros maybe. about 4 years ago Slept in this morning, and got saved from having to decide whether to buy this right away! But due to said teenage daughter (and no less to Urban Outfitters, Nordstrom's, Lulu Lemon) I must put this on the wish list. If you get red square in a blank window: shut the pi down and turn off power because it is not fully seated in the socket. Because I can't. The sensor inside the FLiR Lepton is a microbolometer array. by s-p-e-x I use GPIO to control it but you can get basic functionality by just hooking it up: Input 1 (GPIO 18): Cycle between palettes Getting the hardware connected to a Raspberry Pi was pretty straight forward. 3. 256 KB of RAM, and a 2.4" QVGA TFT LCD. Thermal imaging of this type is often used in building inspection (to detect insulation leaks), automotive inspection (to monitor cooling performance), and medical diagnosis. verified purchaser. Low stock saved me $300, and I have a nice toy... ahem... tool to check the insulation during the cold season. Have any other, software-based workarounds been found? I also wish someone made a nice form fitting plastic case for the breakout board and camera to help protect while in use. Run the boiling water test several times from 212 F down to 32 F, this will allow you to average values and be more accurate. God bless. Luckily, Raspbian makes this easy to do by including a utility called raspi-config. Input 3 (GPIO 27): Calibrate sensor Electan uses cookies for the operation of the website, monitoring site performance and to deliver interest based content. First off for those on the fence about buying this product. using qmake && make in the video directory I get the error, Makefile:225: recipe for target 'Lepton_I2C.o' failed Although the Seek has higher pixel resolution, the noise is higher, and they peg the displayed temp range quite wide to hide the noise, making it less sensitive to small heat changes than the Lepton. Mon-Fri, 9am to 12pm and For more information, please visit this products, Your Store for Arduino, Micro:bit, Raspberry Pi and Robotics On Line: Shields, Arduino Kits, Sensors, Servos, Sparkfun, Adafruit, Pololu, Seeedstudio, Click here to see a wide range of Sparkfun products, Two-wire I2C-like serial-control interface, Low operating power, nominally 150 mW (< 160 mW over full temperature range). Now that we have access to writing our own code, I am interested, but the price is too high imo. Is there a board available for that too ? I have bought the FLiR sensor and I want to know if it is possible to get the temperature value of every pixel. verified purchaser, about 4 years ago verified purchaser. It works ok with RPi 3. about 6 years ago With this kit you will be able to bring FLiR… quite expensive compare to MLX90621 and compare to infrared cameras. Too bad I can't upload a "thermal selfie" to use with my account here. the e4 is a bit better because it has the added shutter option to it. Its the engineering, and its the manufacture setup. Had to use Google to find that I could use "scrot" to do a screen capture -- seems to me that at least the ability to save the image to a file would be "basic function". The cells highlighted in blue indicate the slight differences between the two versions of the FLIR Lepton camera module. When inserting it into the breakout board be sure to use proper personal grounding, such as a grounding wrist strap, to prevent damage the module.