There are different advantages and disadvantages of technology . Advantages and Disadvantages of Science and technology Advantages: Nowadays science has a great contribution in everyday life. However, it is generally still used even though it may have a negative impact on people and society. The technology has allowed to advance in many fields, reason why it is possible that it is used of different ways in the daily life. This flowchart represents the process of formal science, but in fact, many aspects of this process are relevant to everyone and can be used in your everyday life — even if you are not an amateur or professional scientist. ... ...Science and Technology is a double edge sword it cuts both ways depending on how it is used science and technology can make or destroy us. Medicines have been discovered that aid to prolong life and also machines that support life. Development of technology in kitchens, beauty parlors, workplace, research labs and in all fields of life has become the necessity. 01, 2014. ...DLP 300 Features: We use science all the time in different aspects of our daily life. You can communicate all over the world at any time. Increased awareness. In our everyday life, we use many ordinary things, which have been modified through improvements. Sullivan County - Geography essay writing task rate, annotated bibliography items. Technology - the making, usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, crafts, system or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or serve some purpose. StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes. ADVANTAGES OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Let's start from the home.The appliances like washing machine,electric stove,microwave oven,bread toaster and rice cooker makes house chores more easier while the television,DVD,play station,radio,electric fan and aircon makes life more comfortable. As what I understand about how Science and Technology affects our lives, That there are advantages and disadvantages. advantages and disadvantages of science Retrieved 01, 2014, from, "advantages and disadvantages of science" Advantages And Disadvantages Of Science In Everyday Life. People know about the existence of space and its nature as well. We really need to moderate our use of technology. These simple inventions have modernized the way we do things given that most people are generally depended upon them. Science and technology affects our daily life activities, it have an effect in our life and in our world. 01 2014 , "advantages and disadvantages of science" In today’s world it’s almost impossible to live without science. The major advantage of science and technology is that it has made our lives easier like invention of technology has decreased the manual work. As far as die advantage of... ...How Science and Technology Affects Human's Life Web. Discover great essay examples and research papers for your assignments. Discover the Importance of India. As a user of a business broadband in Australia, I know that I cannot be dependent on the services offered by it so I still know how to do the basics. In a field of medical science, it provides treatment and helps to dangerous disease like as cancer, typhoid, brain tumor, etc. Let's start from the home.The appliances like washing machine,electric stove,microwave oven,bread toaster and rice cooker makes house chores more easier while the television,DVD,play station,radio,electric fan and aircon makes life more comfortable. Accessed 01, 2014.